220 Watt CFL- Soil - Indica Dom Strains - 3 Females


Well-Known Member
sarcasm, right?
Nah I've heard a lot of experienced growers who mess with the plant right before harvest to stress it out and make it think its dying. Ill edit this post once I find some type of source

And its another one of those topics where people get so offensive and get offtopic and never really find a solution. So i'm just going to not do it. My strategy when growing is to do as little as possible and the plant will probably do the rest.

I don't think it directly ever effects THC or trichomes in general. I think its more of a stress creator to just put on a little more weight idk. I'll just not do it, doubt it would do anything either way with me harvesting a day later.


Well-Known Member
I got one comming down in less than 4 hours... anything I can try??

See, there are just different things people do to stress the plant right at the end to push out a little more, I think if you do it too early it'll cut your yield, too late and it won't do shit. So I'm not sure, I'll have to research it more.

They said commercial growers in South America jam a stick into the stem...

Anyways you should try supercropping your veg plants (if you don't) I'm going to try it next grow, I grow other plants and it worked on them.


Well-Known Member
Main nug was 35gs wet. Rest of the plant was about 25gs wet. Im adding about 10g from nugs i clipped early or when I burnt the biggest lower nug. So overall the wet weight was ~70g. 70x.3 = 21g so thats what I'm hoping for.

Its been drying for 2 days now. Going to let it go a 3rd and then cure it up.

Also its drying in its own room. I walked in about an hour ago and it was so dank in there hahaha.


Well-Known Member
The purp is doing well.

Temps are 75 humidity 30-35. Just got a gallon water flush and will probably get another and then go back to nutes.

Also have pics of my harvest. Its dry and I got 16gs in that pic and then Im guessing I burnt and smoked atlesat 5gs so far. So 21g which is what I calculated from the wet weight.


The Smoke is much better than the first plant. Its only on the first day of curing too.

Green Shark

Active Member
Love the purp hues with sugar powder on'em damn looking right bro! Let us know a review on the strain/smoke report!


Well-Known Member
Love the purp hues with sugar powder on'em damn looking right bro! Let us know a review on the strain/smoke report!
thanks man. ya the sativa plant has a really good high. Very sativa, very frosty. I think the extra dark period helped. Im not sure how long the purp will go and I dont know the strain either, just from a big nug that had a few seeds.

They smell like diesel.


Well-Known Member
thanks smokey, your girl is looking mighty fine aswell.

On another note, a few days ago I switched my light schedule to 11/13


Well-Known Member
keeping my eye on the light schedule... I'm very interested in this one!
Ive read a lot of people growing sativas this way or atleast towards the end. I figured I would since this plant is kinda behind on flowering and it even knows it haha, pushing pistils out like crazy.

I mean there are a lot of benefits. Most of the energy consumed from light happens during the first 6 or so hours of the day. Also trichomes and flowers develop at nighttime. Its only a little bit of a shift and I have no control plant to compare to but whatever haha.


Well-Known Member
Just started making a batch of cannabutter. I put in 2 cups of water, all the stems and leaves of my first 2 plants. (whatever I remembered to save) it was about the size of a coke can in a frozen cylinder if that makes sense. (stored in my freezer) and 1 stick of butter.

Im gonna stir as often as i remember to for as long as i can. goal is around 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how potent or even if ill be able to feel anything. They have about 2 hours left or so until im going to strain the butter/water/marijuana through a coffee filter. Then ill put that container in the frig overnight.

I've decided to make sugar cookies with chocolate icing. One time my friend made cookies and they taste like bud a little so I made sure to get something rich in flavor, although not sure how he made his or if mine will taste bad.


Well-Known Member
sweet bro! i'm curious both about the 11/13 thing and about the cannabutter, sounds just like the method i use. by the way, i also just switched to 11/13 for the last couple days before i put my girls into darkness, just for the hell of it :) . look forward to the "eat report"...


Well-Known Member
The cookies turned out well, just ate one about 30 min ago, I definitely feel something but it isn't strong. They are mainly for my girlfriend and she doesn't smoke very often so I think 2 cookies for her would be good. Im happy with the results though, I got about 18 cookies.


Well-Known Member
Purple Diesel
Alright so the purp is almost done, Id say a week maybe two at most. Luckily this time I can just turn my flowering box off and don't have to use a separate drying/darkness area. The undersides of the leaves are very purple as you can see. The Nugs go very far down the branches, Each one is about 3-5 inches long but about diameter of a quarter. If I could, I would really want to reveg this plant and keep it for a few months until I move. Moving 3.5 months from now.

Pics :weed:



Well-Known Member
purple diesil looking great, the way i make my butter is add about a oz of stems leaves some small buds & simmer in a pan for about 2 hrs with 4 sticks of butter dont add any water cuz it waters it down come out great