234w Cfl Grow. Nirvanas BlackJack Flower Day 32


Well-Known Member
Hey guys got another update for you. every thing is looking great. I cut off the one top bud that I burnt on the smaller girl today. Other than that they are looking very pretty and perky. I have noticed that some of the pistols are starting to turn amber. She still has a good while to go. I am not going to have a chop date I am just going to play this one by how rip she looks. Well guys got some good pictures today you all tell me what you think. STAY HIGH!!:mrgreen::blsmoke:013.jpg015.jpg006.jpg009.jpg010.jpg012.jpg008.jpg011.jpg016.jpg


Well-Known Member
Father passed away on Friday. Didn't have time for water change. Small one is gone. Big one is on the way to gone. Stay high guys.


Well-Known Member
Hate that about your Dad bro. Your grow was looking great. Try and keep your head up.
Thanks man I had to move back in with mom so we can afford the mortgage. Told here about the whole operation. NOt that she really cares but she does not want it here. Like I said I already trashed the smaller one and I am trying to save the bigger one. But leaves have all gone bad like string beans an they all turned brown and curled up. If I don't see growth she is coming down Tom or the next f
Day. If I do see growth I will let her finish up a bit


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, read all the way through and was lovin the grow till page 3 :( I'm sincerely sorry for all uve lost. Maybe the big one will pull through for u tho.


Well-Known Member
Damnit i just read this whole thing...sorry for your loss :-(.....when you fire up some new grows. ..Postem :-)


Well-Known Member
I cut the top buds off the big one they look Like there might be a little smoke. Going to see if I can let the rest go for a little while longer.


Well-Known Member
And as for future grows. I dont think I can have one. I have to take care of my mom and she don't want me to get in trouble for it. So I respect what she says. She did say I can finish this one but like I said it is looking real bad and only the bottom buds are left on the plant. Stay high guys.


And as for future grows. I dont think I can have one. I have to take care of my mom and she don't want me to get in trouble for it. So I respect what she says. She did say I can finish this one but like I said it is looking real bad and only the bottom buds are left on the plant. Stay high guys.
Very cool, man. Gotta respect the moms! Mine allowed me to grow a bit too, especially when she sees how productive and chill I am on it.

Best meds in the world, I wish you luck. Awesome grow by the way...not a bad way to go out for a bit...never forever!


Well-Known Member
Very cool, man. Gotta respect the moms! Mine allowed me to grow a bit too, especially when she sees how productive and chill I am on it.

Best meds in the world, I wish you luck. Awesome grow by the way...not a bad way to go out for a bit...never forever!
Thanks man it is good to hear that people have hearts and understand. It is really kool that a growing forum is showing much support in a time of need. The girls went from my main priority to wayyyyyy down on the list. I am the man of the house now paying the mortgage and shit. I have to respect the mom. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her and pops. Any ways if I can make my box a lil quiter I will try to talk my mom into letting me do one. If I get that far. I have it all planned out 150w hid scrog 1 plant. This really sucks cause this grow was looking great. But I learned alot and there is always a next time.