23W CFLx3, Miracle Grow (Perlite)


Well-Known Member
if thats all ur using u should switch to 12/12 asap.

cfls have poor penetration, but for ur first go what u have will be fine, but after this grow i guarantee ur gonna get greedy like the rest of us and will splurge on a hid

needhelp said:
oh...don't pay those people any mind.... i read here one time that you can't grow with incandescent bulbs....but thats what i was using at first, so i really don't know what the fuck they were talking about... people have a bad habit on here of putting "other" products down once they fall in love with one... so you have your mh, hp users who will trash every other bulb.... you'll have your fox farm soil users that'll trash miracle grow... you have your big tits loving guys telling you to stay away from girls with big butts.... its always some bullshit
ps ppl make a fuss over the incandescent lights bcuz of the heat they give off and the light spectrum/colors. thats what makes them poor for growing. plus u could use 4 or 5 cls for every 1 100w incandescent light, making them obsolete
pps My grow mixture is combo of fox farms and miraclegro pottng mix and perlite, works perfectly

and for lights i veg under 4 42w cfls and flower under a 400w hps

Ive been down every road on my growing jorney, so it may be helpful to listen to us 'know it alls' on this site "Mr. needhelp"

and i love women with bigggg booty and a biggg chest...U should see the women we have on Mars

Im disappointed u been growing this long and havent learned anything.


Well-Known Member
Well very depressing news.... Moose my biggest prettiest most hopeful plant is a male -_-


Well-Known Member
damn sry to hear that..but the good news is that u'll have twice the amount of light for a single female..should be some dank

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Those bloody males, coming around swinging there balls spoiling the bud party, we need a bouncer on the door


Well-Known Member
Hell yea Lol. I cut some of the 11 pointed leafs off and took a pic of my wife with them on her nipples and vag =)) Anyone wanna see the final (edited) pic. Im addicted to photoshop so i did some blemish removal, complection corrections lighting absstract backgrounds and loads of shit to it Lol.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea Lol. I cut some of the 11 pointed leafs off and took a pic of my wife with them on her nipples and vag =)) Anyone wanna see the final (edited) pic. Im addicted to photoshop so i did some blemish removal, complection corrections lighting absstract backgrounds and loads of shit to it Lol.
:clap::clap::clap:hell yea:clap::clap::clap::-P


Well-Known Member
if thats all ur using u should switch to 12/12 asap.

cfls have poor penetration, but for ur first go what u have will be fine, but after this grow i guarantee ur gonna get greedy like the rest of us and will splurge on a hid

ps ppl make a fuss over the incandescent lights bcuz of the heat they give off and the light spectrum/colors. thats what makes them poor for growing. plus u could use 4 or 5 cls for every 1 100w incandescent light, making them obsolete
pps My grow mixture is combo of fox farms and miraclegro pottng mix and perlite, works perfectly

and for lights i veg under 4 42w cfls and flower under a 400w hps

Ive been down every road on my growing jorney, so it may be helpful to listen to us 'know it alls' on this site "Mr. needhelp"

and i love women with bigggg booty and a biggg chest...U should see the women we have on Mars

Im disappointed u been growing this long and havent learned anything.

haha....i like you..you cool

and the thing about the bulbs...what i had read, they weren't speaking about w...they were saying, you can't grow MJ with them period...trust me, i do listen...thats where research comes into play...thats when i look at the experienced growers...but you must admit, things are exaggerated at times and bad info is passed around...thats why there are so many disagreements on here...

for instance you use MG... you know there are a lot of people on here who refuse to admit MG is ok...i'm not saying its the best... but they act like its shit water and mud and you won't be capable of growing in it...


Well-Known Member
Nah ive used MG for years now... This is my 1st indoor grow with MG though. Now that Moose is a male i said fuck it and chopped the bastard down. Thought about keepin some pollen from it but fuck it, had really nice genes though.

And the pic i made of my wife is on my Avatar. If you would like to see a bigger picture of it. Go into my profile/album i uploaded a larger copy of it in there. Along with a few other pix. I figured since i was gonna kill the plant one way or the other i might as well take taked pictures of my wife with the leafs right? Lol


Well-Known Member
shes fat mate

=)) ROFL You must be retarded or somethin? =)) Lets see here the picture was taken while laying down so shit flattens out =)) Not to mention just had a kid 6 months ago. And still fitting into a size 2 Jean... Suck it easy stay off my thread


Well-Known Member
And now for an update on the plants. My clone has rooted and is startin to perk back up a little bit. the 2 plants i still got going are growing nicley one is topped the other is not. And i put 6 seeds in to germinate 3 days ago 5 out of 6 seeds got some tails on them, 1 inch + tails at that. Guess 5 out of 6 isnt to bad. 3 of the seeds are (supposed to be Masterkush, but i got them from an unreliable friend so there prolly not what he said they were Lol). Ill upload some pix a lil later on tonight. Right now ima find my kid a baby sitter and ima go watch My Bloody Valentine in 3D Wo0t Wo0t.


Well-Known Member
Alright well another bad day...Mary Kate is no longer Mary Kate... turned out to be another fucking male -_-. only 1 more plant from the original grow left its the only one thats been topped and has still yet to show signs of sex. hopefully this one wont be another male thatll piss me off Lol. put 3 more in soil last night out of the 6 i germinated 5 out of 6 sprouted. 3 in soil 2 still germinating and the other one i guess ill give another couple days see what it does.


Well-Known Member
Me to. Hopefully these new ones i just put in soil are what my friend says they are.... MasterKush and somethin else dont even remember supposed to be feminised but like i said earlier hes not to much of a reliable source so yea...


Well-Known Member
Yea ill take some pix here in a little bit. i now have 5 babys in soil and only 1 left thats over a month old.


Well-Known Member
its nothing dude.... take it as a great learning experience...

i started off with 20 plants under incandescents.... in the end after nitrogen deficiencies, lightbulbs falling on plants, plants getting knocked over, late transplanting, over watering...... i had 2 tough broads ( actually 1, 1 is still mad at me for all the abuse)....
and thats not including the NEW ones that i tried to start but neglected to water them and all the seedlings died (thats why i love bagseeds.... i have so many that i don't sweat it if things go wrong... yeah time is lost, but knowledge is gained)

so i feel your pain....but the knowledge you have now was worth it