24/0 v's 18/6 open again :)


Well-Known Member
getting hit by a car was like walking across road with eyes closed like i would not clean my clippers before taking a cutting ??????


Active Member
Actually, rather than trying to convince you that your whole idea is stupid and based on assumptions that are ridiculous and patently false, I'll give you a direct proof that you're wrong by counterexample.

1. You claim that by reducing the photoperiod by 25% going from 24/0 to 18/6, you are slowing plant growth by exactly 25%.
2. It should then hold that reducing the photoperiod by 50% should instead reduce growth by 50%. If it does not, then there is not a direct 1:1 correlation between photoperiod and growth rate.
3. When the plants begin to flower, they put on a large growth spurt, doubling in size or more in just a short time. I observed an increase in growth rate of around 200% when I flowered my first grow.
4. Flowering is induced by cutting the photoperiod by 50% from 24/0 to 12/12.
5. Thus, you are wrong, as cutting the photoperiod increased growth by 200% rather than reducing by 50%. Not only are you wrong, but exactly the opposite of what you claim should happen happened.
6. You're an idiot and need to stop posting.


Well-Known Member
I think it depends what your trying to do. For an example. Seeds. You would want 16/8 so they dont turn male or hermies. If you have clones. Veg for 18/6 That is a long summer night. saves power aswell. 24 hours of light is a waste of light because the plants are confused. Its better to keep a light cycle and stick to it to avoid turnups and hermies. Does it matter what a scientist says? They say pot causes low sperm count and reduced sexual potency.... But when i smoke the stuff sex feels better :)
Light is like nutes. Your plant can only eat so much of it. I recomend 16/8 for seedlings


Active Member
getting hit by a car was like walking across road with eyes closed like i would not clean my clippers before taking a cutting ??????
That still makes absolutely no sense, but since you seem to think you have controlled the conditions thoroughly, I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer no to any one of them, you did not control the conditions as well as you think.

Do the plants get exactly the same amount of light (you'll need a photometer for this, plus a mathematician to calculate the average light intensity from a set of a few dozen points around the plant).

Did the cuttings have the same number of leaves?

Was the total surface area of leaves on each cutting identical?

Did you sterilize your clippers between cuttings? (not clean, sterilize)

Was the diameter of the stem at the base of each cutting indentical? (not similar, identical, you'd need a micrometer)

Was the grow medium absolutely uniform between the two cuttings? (hint: you cannot guarantee this)

Were the cuttings taken from the same level on the plant?

Do the cuttings receive exactly the same amount of nutrients in the same concentrations at the same intervals?

Do the pots dry out at exactly the same time if growing in soil?

I could go on for days. You're an idiot and you need to stop posting.


Well-Known Member
Mate if i have a plant 2 hours of light a day and the other 12 the t hour a day would take about 2 weeks to grow the same size as the one on 12 hours a day now i no other factors play a part but you will not sway me as i just done a 18/6 with one plant and now i am doing 24/0 and reached the same stage 25% quicker than i did all documented in my grow journal along with ferts,co2,soil, width height leaf count node count . so i can safely say you are wron my electric bill don’t lie now stick that in your pipe and smoke it


Well-Known Member
growth rate = leaf surface area+co2+light in the blue ban now if all the coditions were the same to start with then i am right what i am saying is it cost no more on 24/0 than it dose 18/0 to get to bud just takes longer with 18/6 fact


Well-Known Member
and when my el_neno get to bud end of march i would have achieved this with evidence to back my claim
I am not one for character bashing (unlike yourself) which shows a weekness see how i bit on your evey taunt(not) come on you gona slag a guy off at least change your ip address to one he can not track you down too nows who stupid


Well-Known Member
that was not a threat just pointing a fact out don’t want old bill knocking on your door because the ip address you use is static and can be traced to your service provider which in tyrn can provide you address use ip changer pro to solve this


Active Member
Mate if i have a plant 2 hours of light a day and the other 12 the t hour a day would take about 2 weeks to grow the same size as the one on 12 hours a day

Man, you really are stupid. Put a plant on 2 hours of light a day and it will die.

now i no other factors play a part
You know it, but you just won't accept that they played a part in your experiment. Do you know how such uncontrollable factors are taken into consideration in real experiments that have valid conclusions? They use a large sample size. A sample size of one plant per experimental group with no control group is nowhere near close to the size you'd need to draw a valid conclusion.

but you will not sway me
Yes, because you're profoundly stupid. Really, you've taken being a stupid git to a whole new level. Bravo.

as i just done a 18/6 with one plant and now i am doing 24/0 and reached the same stage 25% quicker than i did
Very good, now repeat that experiment a few dozen times and report the results and we may take you seriously. Also, providing actual documents and records helps. You coming in and ranting like a schizophrenic about how you've uncovered the great secret to horticulture that has eluded mankind for thousands of years just shows us that you're stupid and your opinions are wrong and not worth listening to.

all documented in my grow journal along with ferts,co2,soil, width height leaf count node count
Good. Produce these records so I can scrutinize them and prove you wrong further.

so i can safely say you are wron
Yeah, that's why every single person in this thread is mocking you, because you're a genius.

my electric bill don’t lie now stick that in your pipe and smoke it
Let's examine that, shall we? Your whole argument is that plants need 96 hours of light to reach some arbitrary height, right? Now let's say we're growing them under a 400 watt system, one under 24/0 the other 18/6. Let's see what the total cost will be.

24 hours * 4 days * 400 watts == 38.4 kw/h
18 hours * 5.333 days * 400 watts = 38.4 kw/h

Holy shit, look at that. Even if you were right, it would cost you the exact same amount! Now I guess your electricity bill is lying to you too. But you know the truth, that lying bill can't be trusted and you're right.


Well-Known Member
do you think you will grow being awake for 24 hours or do you need some rest?
The plants root system grows more when light is off. The most i would ever do is 20/4


Active Member
:bigjoint:24/0 uses the same electric as 18/6 only 24/0 gets to 12/12 first Fact a one foot plant would need e.g. 96 hours of light to reach 1 foot so 24/0 would get there quicker were as 18/6 would take 24 hours longer. Now the lights have been on the same time so uses the same electric now that’s as simple as it gets mate and if you cannot comprehend this simple fact give up (shit my 6 year old girl gets it).
this is not true and probably very wrong.

This is so stupied your saying it takes about 4 days to get your plant to one foot, LOL i wish bro if that was the case mine would be like 15 feet tall .


Active Member
Is this my birthday or something?

growth rate = leaf surface area+co2+light in the blue ban now if all the coditions were the same to start with then i am right what i am saying is it cost no more on 24/0 than it dose 18/0 to get to bud just takes longer with 18/6 fact
Really? Nothing else matters? Humidity? Oxygen content of the soil? Nutrients? Man, if every other person growing plants only knew that it was such a simple formula as well.

and when my el_neno get to bud end of march i would have achieved this with evidence to back my claim
Really? You grew dozens of plants simultaneously off the same nutrient solution to compare the 18/6 plants to the 24/0 plants?

I am not one for character bashing (unlike yourself) which shows a weekness
Yeah, it is a weakness. I absolutely cannot stand to see a stupid person who is not depressed about how stupid they are. Making them feel as they should is one of my great pleasures in life.

see how i bit on your evey taunt(not)
I also noticed how you ignored every single point I've made and just reiterated your wild speculation over and over. Try addressing a point or two, I'm sure you can find at least one that you can respond to.

come on you gona slag a guy off at least change your ip address to one he can not track you down too nows who stupid
And there's the birthday present I referenced. As it happens, I'm a computer enthusiast. I built most of the computers my friends are using and I can program about a dozen different languages. So, unlike you, I actually know what an IP address is.

To clarify what's wrong with your statement, I'll break it down.

1. An IP address is not linked to a physical location.
2. The way you locate a person by IP is by having the ISP look up the account associated with the IP at the time it was used. Good luck getting my ISP to give you that information without a warrant.
3. You don't even have my IP! I have at no point been connected to your computer, so you have no record of it. There's a record on these forums, but you don't have access to it. If you want to claim you're some kind of computer genius that can do things I don't think you can, feel free to tell me what my IP address is.

that was not a threat just pointing a fact out don’t want old bill knocking on your door because the ip address you use is static and can be traced to your service provider which in tyrn can provide you address use ip changer pro to solve this
Wow, your stupidity just went up another couple notches. IP Changer Pro? Seriously? You think you need a special program to change your IP address? Every major web browser on the planet supports proxying.

You're an even bigger idiot than I thought, and you should not only stop posting, but stop pretending you're a computer expert too. You look silly.


Well-Known Member
so not all noobs will take what you say as gospel mate stands to reason more light quicker outcome dont use science to blind us i am engineer by trade and computer programming is my love so stupid know mate think it might be you academically impaired


Active Member
so not all noobs will take what you say as gospel mate stands to reason more light quicker outcome

Yeah, that does seem logical. Too bad it doesn't actually work that way. There are people who aren't retarded doing real research on this. The consensus is that you're an idiot and you need to stop posting.

dont use science to blind us i am engineer by trade
What field? I'm a Software Engineer myself. I have a hard time believing that you'd even get into a school that had an engineering program.

and computer programming is my love
Give me a hello world in C using a char pointer as a string as input to printf. It's a very simple program, and anybody at all familiar with C could do it in seconds. Anyone who loves computer programming is familiar with C (the most common language in the world), so this should be no problem.

so stupid know mate think it might be you academically impaired
Oh the irony. You're claiming I'm "academically impaired" when it's almost to the point where we need a translator to understand your insane rambling.


Well-Known Member
no more time to argue with you no ill respect as i like heated debates thus setting this up for you noe off to give my plant her 12 of dark smell the sweet bud and yes mate a static ip address when used in say aim or mes can be traced to service provider they can then locate adress through somthing called script logs lot of work but can be done so do not be so stupid look up ip changer pro gives you all the facts


Well-Known Member
lol tom
that was my mate did not know about bud cycles and thught it was male left it out side to die i tryed my hardest to save it lol

cant we just be friends as you make me laugh too much to hate you


Well-Known Member
Man Don’t claim to be a professor but do know forth basic Pascal C++ html java not fluent but enough to write my own stuff and do my own scripting granted I reverse engineer a lot of other peoples stuff to see how it ticks yes compliers I even had a go at psp software tried to get the old Amstrad collection to run on an emulator but failed someone else finished it like I said not a genius but know more than your average Joe and what’s with the hostility that you have had since the beginning would it not be better to try and change my view by giving me information instead of conditions hey and we might be friends but as you have had 6,000 posts you must be right I don’t want to be insulted mate so that’s why I am off if anyone else contributes to this thread then I be answering
An I bet as you are a self-confessed gardening computer nerd I bet you have had some slaps in your time lol