24/7 LED Veg anyone?

from UCSB:
Photosynthesis is sort of the reverse of the Krebs cycle: it stores energy by converting inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide) into organic carbon (glucose, for example). This stored energy (organic carbon) enters the Krebs cycle and this is how the plants get the energy they need for growth and survival. So the answer to your question is no, plants can not grow or survive without photosynthesis.
Too much light/not enough light are hand in hand with nutes. More light =more food. I have to ageree with you... if your feeding 1.2 then up it to 1.6 an see how it goes. It seems to me like you have more usable light then my veg AND your in perlite with zero food , so yea try to up your food , that has to be the only thing were missing here. Now you got my ocd kicked in....im here to the end.
Haha thanks dude.

I don't know what has happened. I have been growing for years at an EC of 1.2 with no problems.... The past three months they not growing at 1.2.

I upped it to 1.8 and they definitely seem to be growing again, but I'm scared of over feeding.

Anyways it seems like I needed to give a bit more food.

Here are some pics of my babies

hahaha. growth only happens during photosynthesis. plants do things during the dark cycle but grow is not one of them.

maybe you are confusing plant cells elongating (stretching) towards the last light source? that's not growth.

Plants have TWO metabolisms

They can create energy by photosynthesis.

They can create energy by cellular respiration using stored sugars.

Plants use both metabolisms during the day.

At night they only respire. But they still are growing at a reduced rate. Eventually they will run out of food though. So the plants will not grow for an extended period without sunlight. But plants CAN GROW with no light for a short period.

"Plants produce oxygen as a waste product of making sugar using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. If a plant needs energy, but doesn't have sunlight, then it can burn the sugar that it made back when it had sunlight, and doing so requires oxygen. "

That settles it. :) Plants grow even at night.
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but yeah, those leaves look like shit. i'd fix that first before arguing with me.

good luck!
Lol, dont get upset that im saying you are wrong, this is text, I could be a bot. Im sharing information with the world. You could be a bot, technically you are an algorithm, just a chemical computer instead of an electrical one.

Regarding the leaf tips they are curly because of multiple light sources. The leaves don't know where to grow. (if that's what you mean). If you are saying some leaves are unhealthy, well yes, they were almost dead two weeks ago. Only the past week have they recovered. My plants were yellow a week ago. Now they have greened up beautifully since members who knew what they were talking about (Not you) suggested I add more food. Next time pay attention to the thread and maybe you will be-able to follow the context of these photos and not use them to stroke your ego thinking you are such a good weed grower.

Your still going on the plants need light to grow. Plants need light to create sugar. Growing happens when they have energy. Stored or created. Plants need light to perform photosynthesis. I think that is what you are trying to say.

Definition of growing : Plant growth, defined as an irreversible increase in plant size. So stretching is still growing.
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Lol, dont get upset that im saying you are wrong
if you say so. i can find plenty to support my argument, you can find other sources to support yours. guess we are at a stalemate.

but yeah, back to your plants. they don't look healthy at all.
~25% extra bill from 18 hr to 24 hr in veg.

Will that extra 6 hrs veg time help you make up that 25% extra cost and put some extra cheese in your pocket? You decide.

I veg 24 hrs personally because I wont be able to control humidity at night in my veg room and I rather get as fast growth as possible which I believe 24 hr veg does.
My plants were yellow a week ago. Now they have greened up beautifully since members who knew what they were talking about (Not you) suggested I add more food
sorry, but i thought you knew what you were doing. didn't realize you are a newbie. my bad. growweedeasy.com check it out, it covers basics like how to diagnose plant issues like underfeeding, leaf margins curling etc.

good luck! i'm out.
if you say so. i can find plenty to support my argument, you can find other sources to support yours. guess we are at a stalemate.

but yeah, back to your plants. they don't look healthy at all.

why do you say my plants don't look healthy atall? Can you be more specific?
sorry, but i thought you knew what you were doing. didn't realize you are a newbie. my bad. growweedeasy.com check it out, it covers basics like how to diagnose plant issues like underfeeding, leaf margins curling etc.

good luck! i'm out.

Clearly you are the noobie. My plants are healthy and are fine at present. You are saying stuff like this because I offended you and hurt your ego. What is wrong with my plants in the photos, please tell me as I cant see what is wrong with them right now. Teach me master grower. If I you can teach me something, then I will admit, I'm a noobie.

I challenge you to show me a grower who does not have issues. Once again this shows me that you are a noobie, you believe that you can get to a point with no issues? Yes you can, if your growing in a grow tent with a few plants. How many plants have you grown in your life, I would love to know. Then I would like to see the quality of your stuff. You should have asked me, is this your first run in the room? It is actually and you need to dial the food in, as I am doing. Historical feedings are NOT that relevent when changing rooms. You would have known that if you knew anything. But I get the feeling your feeling upset with me and want to try lash out and insulting my plants and ability to grow seems your first choice of revenge. To be honest, a good grower is always pretty chilled. Maybe your harvesting too early.
Clearly you are the noobie. To be honest, a good grower is always pretty chilled. Maybe your harvesting too early.
This sums it up. he'll wake up tomorrow sober and maybe see where he went wrong ? Who knows.
Hes done put me in the "plants dont need light to grow catagory" ? no clue how he keeps changing stuff up on a simple matter but way she goes. Citing the U of T or whatever the fuck collage as saying plants dont grow at night. No university has ever said that. Go use your fucking measuring tape and do your own "experiments" , apparently you skipped the whole beginner stage of growing....prolly cause your a rollitup master, i mean member.....it happens a LOT on here.
by the way pork, givin your setup , them girls are healthy and looking good overall. i dont thinnk i could manage your setup , so props for making it work. I trully believe your 24 hour light issue is just adding a bit more food.
by the way pork, givin your setup , them girls are healthy and looking good overall. i dont thinnk i could manage your setup , so props for making it work. I trully believe your 24 hour light issue is just adding a bit more food.
Thanks dude. I agree. And its wierd, I swear they have always performed @1.2EC. I have Calibrated the meters etc. Good lesson though, read your plants and not the meter.
1.2 "seems" like plenty so im not 100%. i feed extremely high but only because im in solo cups most of veg so it dont hurt. I use soil so i dont have much experience with water grows. ive used perlite like that in a one gallon dwc for the hell of it but never ran any like that. just used it to fix issues in babies.
Why Are My Weed Leaves Curling Up: Causes & Solutions

  1. Excessive Heat or Cold
  2. Too Little Or Too Much Water
  3. Too Many Nutrients & Fertilizer
  4. Wind Burn
  5. Light Burn
  6. Bugs & Other Pests