24-hr clones wilted ?

Sorry, I fought the "how to post pics thing" long enough and gave up. I really need some help though.
I got 12 clones yesterday. We put them in cloning gel and then put them in cups of light warrior and placed them under t5's. I've been misting them every few hours with room temp distilled water.
They look like hell. Very limp and droopy. (I'm 54, I know about that) Is there anything that I'm doing wrong? Is there anything that I should be doing?



Active Member
i have never used light warrior for clones but you should check a few things.
1) what is the temp/hmidity? should be 75-85 and above 50% humidity(60-80 optimal)
2) is the soil wet? Did you Ph the water?
3) did you use nutes in the water when you watered the light warrior? you shouldnt untill roots form as this will retard growth. Goodluck
Temp is around 75ish under the lights and humidity is about 70 because it's raining today. I've just been misting the soil...it's slightly damp to the touch....I didn't Ph the water...it's store-bought distilled....no nutes.
Should I chunk em or just keep on misting everything?


Well-Known Member

The bad news first: I think they're too far gone to recover. Might want to take some more cuttings. If they can survice, better get some water in the dirt.

Generally what you want to do is cut off a few more leaves that whats in your pics. I usually leave just the center cluster and two fans. You've got like 4 or more fans on each cutting, so its a lot to keep alive. It does still absord water thru the recently cut stem, just not as well as with roots. You'll also want to trim 1/3 off the larger sections of the remaining fan leafs. Using t5s, be sure there's a good distance away as not to add too much heat or light intensity. Make sure there's easy drainage in those cups.

When you mist, mist the underside as this is where it will most efficiently absorb foliar moisture.

The soil you're using is good
Thanks punk,
I took your advice and trimmed them back. I added a bit of water as well.
I wouldn't feel so bad if I hadn't paid $10 each for these.
I'll keep misting through the day I suppose and see what happens.


Active Member
what is the temp and humidity in your room? how close are your t5's? keep the lights quit aways away from your clones.clones do best with minimal light too much will damage them. keep your room temp around 75 if it gets close to 80 or colder than 70 and they will die.and they need high humidity so get a clear vented dome to put over them and then just mist the inside of the dome a couple of times a day.and despite what others say I have the best luck with the lights at 18/6 not 24 hours a day.


Well-Known Member
Montana Geezweer: This is easily solved!!!!!!

Remove them all from the soil, get a cup of water or a shot glass or whatver to hold them all in. Get a sterile pair of scissors and then snip the bottom of each clone creating a new cut further up the stem...sometimes if they have been in soil they may start to look black (just cut above that) Then place them all in the cup of water and let them soak that water back up and in a couple of hourse they will all be looking happy as larry.

Then you want to re-snip the bottom again under water at a 45 degree angle as if starting a normal clone. I use rooting powder and if I have already added some previously I don't bother with it again (as there will be traces left in the soil anyway) Replace the clones back in the soil making sure the ends of them are not completely squashed in (I always make a hole with a tooth pic or something similar before putting my clone into the soil)

I hope that helps.



EDIT: I rarely check my temp or humidity (in fact I don't) as my clones just sit at my window in a see through plastic box with some added LED lighting...