24 hr plus dark period outside before harvest?


Is it really beneficial to enclose your plants in say a black out tent or something of that sort outside before harvest. I hear experienced growers talk about the benefits of it and other people say theirs no benefit. But if it gives me a even layer of trichs on the plant whats to lose.


Idk how id even go about doing it. if your low on cash how then to construct dark room for plant outdoors before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Idk how id even go about doing it. if your low on cash how then to construct dark room for plant outdoors before harvest?
Some people grow in small enough containers to move them indoors before harvest. I tried it the first season I grew and it made zero difference. I guess you could make a blackout tarp work or a large cardboard box.


wanted to try it on my in-ground 4 footer. or maybe not, i may just doo it for the smaller plants when their time comes along.