24 Pot Ebb & Grow System!!! Everyone Is Welcome!


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Alright so heres how this one goes. I bought the 12 pot Ebb & Grow system from the hydro store. I bought an additional 12 pot expansion from E-Bay. I have one 55 gallon resavoir one 3 gallon control bucket, and twelve 2 1/2 gallon grow buckets. My medium is mixed 3/4 hydroton and 1/4 Coco crop circles. The coco is on top. I have 3 can fans One is pulling through my Odor Sock and pushing air through my 3 400 what MH the second one is in the middle of the lights pulling air up and blowing through the silver T vent out of the sunhut then another out through the crawl space, the other is blowing fresh air into my sun hut. I have a bad ass fan I bought that you put water and these freezer things inside and it keeps it nice and cool. I only have 12 pots at this time my other 12 are not here yet :cry:. They will be soon probaly tommrow:mrgreen:. Ok well I got the system flooding 3 times a day, im using all fox farm fertz as these are what I no best. Lights are on 18/6, right now I have 9 AK-47, 2 Stoney Bud (WW X Northern Berry. Strain Unavailable). 1 Blue Streak. The Bluestreak is a twin thought it was cool so I transplanted to hydro. All plants were started in soil and transplanted 3 days ago you will see in pics they are happy :D! My water is pristine perfect. I no alot about dealing with water so Ph, Ms, PPM will all be perfect at all times. I might add that this is my first time growing hydro. I did a bit of reading up in my free time and decided to transfer to hydro. I still have a few plants soil but they will be transplanted soon. Any advice will be much appricated. Here are the pictures of everything



Well-Known Member
Damn my babies sure did sprout up last night. I officaly love dro. I think my indoor soil days are done... Gonna do soil outside for sure but no more indoor its strictly dro indoors now:D. I though the shit grew fast in soil, but damn never did I think they would go this fast in dro. I love it :D


Well-Known Member
Dam, your going to have a forest. Lookin good. I like your attention to ventilation I understand its very important in a tent. Got a question though, well a comment of sorts.
I thought you used the coco in the bottom of the growing container to retain moisture. I thought the upper part was just suspose to be damp. From what I have read thats the way to go. You may want to look into that.

Good luck man and thanks for the compliment on my grow.


Well-Known Member
The poeple at my hydro stroe recomended i put the coca on top as the plants were transferd from soil to hydro. The have grown so much in the last couple of day


Well-Known Member
A little update. Plants are loveing the new home. I though I was gonna have a problem transplanting from soil to hydro but I guess not cuz they were so young and the roots didnt even reach the bottom of their pot yet. I have one plant that has a twin. I was wondering if I should remove the twin??? Theres a pic of it in my first post I think its pic 6. I just tracked my order of my 12 pot expansion and its still in Cali :9 wont be here till the 18th. Hopefull can still transplant the rest of my soil grow. If not I wil have to weight till next time. I gave them some liquid light today. Will be using the LL till about3rd or 4th week of flower. If you have never used it befor I suggest you go to your nearest hydro store and get you some. Its by dutch master. I used it on my last grow and it had amazing results. It puts a shine on you're plants and it reflects the light. A must for all CFL growers. I guarentee you will get a better yeild. Well im going to change the res in a couple of days. The water is pristine. I will always have the water pristine with perfect Ph levles and PPM, EC, and CF. I picked up a new TDS meter today from the Hydro store. Its amazing it never has to be calibrated and it reads everything by lighting up lights and came with a 5yr warrenty. It was only $138.95. You get what you pay for. Its a Bluelab Truncheon. I would recomend this product to all hydro growers. Alright everyone I think I have said enough for one post. Take it easy all.:peace:



Well-Known Member
Im going to get 2 1000 watt lights once I get my tax return. I will have 2 1000 watt MH/HPS (Hortilux Bulbs) 1 400 watt MH/HPS and 8 bulb T5. T5 is for my soil and the 400 will just be for some xtra light. I will update with some pics later


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the slackin on the journal, I have been hella busy lately. Heres a little update. I got 6 of my 12 pot expansion added the other day. All the hydro plants really took off the last 4 days. Im short on time but will add some more later. Just wanted to give a quick update. Also wanted to now how to make a BB code value smaller??? I want to add this jorunal to my signature but when I try it says "BB code size value is too big." I have no clue what todo. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
I am so impressed with the hydro. It seems that after every feeding the soon to be females have a little growth spurt. Oh I forgot to add last night that I have one confirmed female which is a bluestreak. I have a total of 4 bluestreaks, 4 stoney bud (Whitewidow X's Northernberry) and 10 AK - 47. Im going to change the light cycle in probaly 2 weeks or so. I can't weight to see em start packing on the buddage :D!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup man, keep up the good work.
I really like your airflow detail.
I can't wait til the kids are all moved out and I can convert a bedroom.:joint: