Jypsy Dog
Well-Known Member
Lots of info with out the Perv's.
I seen them and wasn’t impressed in the slightest. Do you have a par meter that’s what actually matters not lumens. Lumens are the worst way to judge a grow light. I’ve used a ton of lights due to my growing ability I’ve been given light for cost or free to try in my rooms and give honest feedback. Those kind of lights aren’t worth it to me they’re all built the same. I use good equipment it last longer and is consistent. Currently my rooms are setup and running 6k in actual Watts of led. They are either my own I’ve built or hlgs 600h’s. Their 200 dollar lights would blow the doors off of that “1500” watt light.Have you seen the Vander lights? They call them (1500W) because they use 150 chips rated at 10W Leds , but run them about 1.5 watts each to get the 220-250 wall watts claimed. That keeps the temperature down and makes the lights more reliable due to lower heat. Vander is the only burpel maker that lists their lumen output specs that I found in my research. They use red-blue-and White chips so they look burple-ish but in the room they seem pretty "White". My cheap Foot Candle Meter says their specs are very close to reality.
The reason for pushing the deceptive nomenclature is to mislead the public, so you have to read the specs. Most of the King-Viper-Ect LEDs don't publish the specs, so I don't buy them.
I've been running my Vander 1500 for about two months now and it is doing it share. It will only cover about 2.5-3 X 2.5-3 ft in flower but that's all you need for a two plant LST Scrog. I wish I had seen this offer a month ago I'd have snapped it up in an instant. I've got a Vander "1000" ( 140 Wall watts) coming tomorrow cost less than $60. Try that for a HLG 135 Watter.
Your 49??? Wow. Really CREEPY.Babe honestly PM me sometime I feel like we met in a past life
your little plants look very wet. it's a good idea to water just a little around the base of a plant that small. it doesn't drown the root system, and it makes the roots reach out to find more water.keep it drier till it gets at least a couple more sets of leaves, by then it ought to have enough roots to deal with a little more water.
Thank you sooo much!I have a nice USA made blurple I am very happy with. I would stay away from Vander or any other company where lights are made in China! If you have some time read some horror stories in reviews from China grow lights sold on Amazon and Ebay. They also have many fake, "good reviews", many with the same broken English. Horror stories include DOA, broken in months, no customer service (you get to eat it if it breaks), fires, outright lies about wattage, coverage, etc.
All my friends that grow and bought China grow lights years ago have had their lights either completely quit or partial burnout. Don't buy China! Can't be trusted.
For a small grow either of these companies have some great options:
Do you want to grow it inside or outside? Outside is as simple as a 5 gal bucket, some decent soil, a bottle of fish fertilizer and some neem and BT for bugs. Indoors you'll need at least a couple hundred dollars, maybe more, in equipment - lights, timers, fan,etc, plus the bucket dirt and ferts. If you want to do inside, look at Craigslist for cheap used equipment. If you go outside, I'd look for a local nursery or mulch/landscape company to get soil at.
Welcome to Troll It Up....Ah, not so bad anymore....
You have now attracted 1/4 of the observant horny swinging dicks on the site.....Be careful..
PLEASE listen to Canna Queen on lights (LED's). The misinformation on LED lights around here is mind numbing!
Best bet right now? Don't buy any LED's and always avoid the cheap and "blurple" one's.
LED makers are listing claims that are, basically, flat out lies and charge into thousands for garbage vs truth...
T-5 lighting is really fine for smaller plants. Say if your just going to bloom out a 2 ft tall max plant....Your golden....
I strongly suggest you do some reading on MJ growing...
Ed Rosenthal's book is one of the best out there....You should read through the whole thing....That is how you will learn about lighting and what it really means..
Here's a link to all the FREE growing books you'll ever need!
Everyone has been bringing up soil and that you need to change them to a good potting soil.
That shit will fry your plant!
Do not use Miracle Grow fertilizers! They are formulated to actually screw up MJ......The mineral contents and concentrations are way off!
When you begin to use nutrients. Don't be sold by flashy cartoon covered bottles and outlandish claims! Less is MORE and to start. I suggest a line that has 3 or less bottles to contend with...
In fact, Dyna Grow - Foliage Pro is an all in one bottle that is perfect for new growers to get on their growing feet. Always start with low concentrations....It's far, far easier to add more, then to deal with plants that have gotten "burned" by too much!
You can NEVER be an "old dog" when growing cannabis. I've done it for over 40 years and I still learn new things.....
I like to tell new growers to learn indoor gardening. Read up on how. Get yourself a not blooming African Violet. Once you get that African Violet to bloom. You won't have any trouble growing MJ..
Grow it like a "tropical" and find success....
Good luck! Get reading!
I'm in your area. I'd get it into a bucket and put it outside. Look into hardening off plants. You have about a month and a half to 2 months of good veg growth before it starts flowering. Do you know the strain? Might have to plan covering and keeping it warm later in the season of its a long flowering strain.Honestly, i wanted to do outside. It’s summer over here in New England and it’s the perfect time. Thanks for the info!