2400 watt perpetual- let it begin

with the way the plants are acting I still expect about 2 oz per plant. Stumped on what to do with the vegging plants. blah. gonna keep at it though. never give up! i need to get some mighty wash but no $ til friday.
Oh i meant the "tank beetle" type aphids. they are about the size of a pinhead and crawl through the top couple inches of your soil and down into your roots. i have to sit there with my glasses off focusing on one spot after i stir the soil around for about 30 seconds to find one they are so small.
Checked soil this morning thoroughly and no crawlers that I could find. Hit them with some more of my homemade spray. No ill effects from the spray as of yet. Will check again later.
Found crawlers later that night again but I think they must have been freshly hatched. zero aphids today. We pulled them out into the living room in the sunlight and stared for about 10 minutes what were the worst infected plants. They look happier already. Not optimistic, I know they will probably return soon, but I seem to have at the very least knocked them back by 95% for now.
IMG_3985.jpgIMG_3984.jpg Wonder Woman 33 days IMG_3976.jpgwatered everything with a sprinkle of ZHO and molasses. I think they really like that added enzyme in the zho I think it's the same thing as what is in liquid light but don't quote me. lol. been feeding lightly here and there. Forgot to add extra calplex to the tahoes so did a light foliar with a couple drops in a quart and some humega. Everything looks better than I could really ask for with the pest issues I have been fighting. Veg tent looks pretty nice, roots are bright white and no bugs. I'm sure I'll have 8 more ready to go in soon. Things have been a bit slowed in there between tossing affected plants and hitting them so hard with all sorts of stuff. Headband seedling looking healthy I think.
IMG_3991.jpg veg rootsIMG_3986.jpg j.t.r.IMG_3992.jpgpermafrost or blueberry on left, headband on right IMG_3990.jpgfrom the left : grape goo, casey jones, s.d.p.k., white domina, headband
Sweet buds!! Coming along great. You should coat or cover the milk jugs, from my experience clear pot are not good on roots, allows too much light. Keep up good job....rw
Thanks! Getting there! Thats probably the one thing I have been slacking on is covering those, but I would have to make them removable or something. I have them in the clear containers so I can see if there is crawlers on the roots and monitor root development. They'll be going into 3 gallon smart pots soon before they get put in to flower room.
I thought that what you were doing. I figured I should at least mention it. It's cool when the plant get spread out. I have it in clones and 12/12 from seed. It fun to take pictures of them in their perpetual growing. You could put foil around the clear jugs, I used duct tape but it not for what you want. Fight on brother.:fire:...rw
Hey good idea. I'll get on that. Looks like the roots are thriving more down towards the bottom where the light isn't hitting. I really enjoy the photography even with my crappy camera as you can tell with how many pictures I take. I'd like to get a nicer camera and a book on plant photography or something soon.
Look at all the thing a persons want to learn, after studying to grow pot. People say pot make you dumb, HA! Hell, I been discussing physics on another place.lolbongsmilie it's that time...rw
LoL Seems to me the people that smoke and act or dumb are lazy to begin with. My day starts @5 am I'm a stay at home dad. I've just taken a little interest in physics myself. There is some pretty cool science forums out there. Who would have known hah.
I was a single father at the end of raising my daughter, That's why the grand kids are so cool, plus they told my daughter she couldn't have kids Hell, I get up at 5 am, to puff.lol:weed: Raising kids is important no matter who does it...rw
Buddy loaned me some really good master kush today to help me get through until harvest. Another buddy gave me some great white shark and permafrost yesterday, nothing amazing but I appreciate having good people around like that. They know I'll get them back come harvest. Gonna try some macro shots in a second. IMG_4004.jpgTahoeIMG_4002.jpgQrazy TrainIMG_4000.jpgWidow in back Tahoe in front IMG_4001.jpgTwo tahoes..some droopage on lower tahoe leaves, they've had their share of cal-mag I think this is from the aphids. Other than that looking good my a/c spewed a bunch of water on my kc earlier..wtf. but it is all good now.
casey jonesIMG_4023.jpgIMG_4024.jpgIMG_4031.jpg white dominaIMG_4015.jpg Didn't start all of them 3/8 just wonders and white domina. The rest were started about 5 days after that then a few maybe a week after that.Trying to stay under weight limits.
ok so my internet was off for awhile, my camera broke right after harvest. so no dry nug shots. ended up with some awesome bud, I love organics this is only my second run with them and I am hooked. got another 7 plants I am going to finish out here at a temporary spot then starting clean from seed in a new spot. qrazyIMG_4153.jpgIMG_4126.jpg white widIMG_4216.jpg tahoeIMG_4230.jpg IMG_4229.jpg
Well long story short never got to finish out my last run due to a family member, couldnt make ends meet, had to sell all my stuff and now I still can't find a place to rent to me and it's been almost a month since my last lease ended. I have one set of T5s and some seeds saved so there is still a glimmer of hope lol but no growing will be possible for awhile looks like. wish you all luck thanks to those who checked out my grow.