24hr darkness 2 weeks into flowering


My two plants are now starting their third week of flowering. Since switching to 12/12 pre flowers have developed and they have stretched a bit (I had to switch them while relatively young due to height and time restrictions) however they are showing no real changes when it comes to growing buds. This is my first grow so I don't know what to expect in terms of development so I could be expecting change to soon. What I was wondering is about doing a 24hr darkness period now to try and trigger some proper change. Is this a good idea or is it just going to cause unnecessary stress? Thanks for any help you can give.


Any advice would be really appreciated even if its just theory and not personal experience :-)


Well-Known Member
I only hear of 24 hours of darkness to jump start flowering, so at the very start of 12/12. Also darkness right before harvest. I do not know if either is more than just wives' tales, but 24 hours of darkness after 2 weeks of 12/12 will do nothing more than stress the plant slightly.


I think it will just unnecessarily stress them and increase the chances of them turning hermaphrodite. Patience is key, even though 2 weeks is longer than usual.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
24 hours of darkness at this stage will achieve nothing. I think we all go through the "what's meant to be happening now" stage during the start of flowing on our first grow, and we soon learn the answer of patience. Your pistils are growing and the plant is stretching, that means it's doing just as it needs to do.

Leave it be :)


Well-Known Member
I have used 24 hours darkness at the end of bloom after reading that it increase resin output, but I have found it to be BS. I have never heard of it being used in early bloom, and I would not recommend it at any time. Give them as much light as possible for as long as possible and you will be better off, but that is only my experience. Peace


Thanks guys I wont do it then, I think i am letting myself worry too much and being too eager (checking on them about 3 times a day) since its my first grow. Out of curiosity I don't suppose anyone can give me any idea of the sort of yield to expect from these plants. I have two 1500 lumen 105 watt equivalent cfls and I am using this fertiliser made from seaweed. The taller one is about 14in the shorter about 11in. The strain is shaman from dutch passion which is supposed to be pretty high yielding. I know I cant get anything accurate but an informed guess would be great :D



Btw I am not hoping for anything huge if I got over an ounce I would be over the moon! I have very limited space (The bigger one is almost at the very top) and the grow was more for fun and to try something different.


I'm only looking for a quick guestimate because as far as I know that could get me 5g or 50g :-)


Well-Known Member
Your plant is a sativa outdoor/greenhouse plant, not really suitable for a closet grow because they are a tall plant. It being a sativa means that it takes a LONG time to grow and bloom, 12 weeks at a minimum. So you have a long time to go, but you have to increase the amount of light now. Go get come 32w CFL's and surround your plant with them. You might get a zip per plant, possibly, but not much more if everything goes well. Next time go for an indica, smaller plant which has a 8 week bloom time and better suited for a closet CFL grow. Good luck


Sorry I am completely new to this what do you mean a "zip". I gave the plants 3 weeks veg so they are now 5 weeks old. I have another two cfls both similar to the current ones but they are cool daylight not the yellowy ones (cant remember the name but 2700k) I read were better for flowering. If I added just one of those would that be enough? Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
If I get two ounces overall I think I will dance with joy! :hump:
Mixing up color of the lamps is not a problem, some people choose to do so throughout their grow. Ideally you would want 2700k, but for now just get some more lumens on it. Put your large bulb on top with a reflector and surround the sides with 4 more. You might consider topping the plant to keep it's height in check, as they will probably stretch to 3'. The amount of light here is the key. Give them all you can give without making it to hot, go easy on the nutes and keep your ph in check, and be patient. You'll get there. Peace


In my case if I add that third light all three will be equal strength so should I just keep them equally spaced? Am I alright to keep cutting at it/using lst if its flowering? I don't have any money about to get a pH kit but I know that the water in my area is around 6.7 and I am growing in soil so thats about right isn't it? Apparently Shaman is about 75% sativa:25% indica will this result in a slightly shorter flower period (they say 8 weeks on the website)? Sorry for all the questions its just great to be able to get advice from someone who knows what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you have no light leaks during dark time, and consider a few hanging cfl's for side lighting. You are not going to notice much change at all on anything below the top bud because its all shaded. Hanging a few small cfl's for lighting below that would help a bunch.

Also, I think your Guestimate is correct ;)


Finally starting to show proper flowers but the taller one seems to be showing a lot of problems and I don't know what to do. I have tried flushing in case of nute burn but it hasn't helped. I have also thoroughly checked for insects to explain the weird holes but I have found nothing. Can anyone give me any advice? :cry:

