24hr for low humidity?


Oh no. So whats the advice, wait or chop? Had another look there, looks to be accelerating to me. Is it a case of cutting your losses?


Well-Known Member
What about your exhaust system? Try to do something with that RH instead of messing with the light schedule (better exhaust out of loft should help). I would let the temp go higher when the lights are off with good air circulation. Turn them off during the day, when RH is not such low as in the night, add some heating fan to your loft to make ambient air dry and warm around 26 degrees and this air run through your grow space. Or get some dehumidifer but I do not know what your possibilities are...? You want flowers full of trichromes, high RH inhibits this the most. Also running lights on 24hrs will not encourage trichs production, you need some dark for “recovery” and “preparation“ for another light assault even with autos. Are you feeding them still???


Well-Known Member
Oh no. So whats the advice, wait or chop? Had another look there, looks to be accelerating to me. Is it a case of cutting your losses?
They look nice, in my eyes they are a litlle bit hungry. You want fade in late flower but not so much to leave the leaves dying when you have weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
You have just entered rippening phase, so you have long time to go. I am with joe that you have around one month left, maybe more depends on strain and environment you grow in. Anyway you want to harvest rippen buds! Forget about “flush” and feed them till the end. Lower N to half and go full PK, also be carefull of actual soil pH...


Ok will leave her a bit longer, just a bit put out as its 13 weeks old so should be done. Still feeding, all bio bizz. Still includes 'grow' feed as per instructions, maybe should dial that back a bit. Not much I can do to change my setup at this point as its a stealth grow, just at the mercy of the weather conditions. Don't expect any more hot days at this stage though.

On the light never went to 24 in the end. Ramped up from 18 to 20. Might go back to 18.


How about the next door neighbour fellers? About 3 weeks younger but looking more cooked to my non expert eye. Had a look with the magnifier and nearly all tricromes milky and a few amber. Whats your thoughts from the general look of it? (Think I'm seeing the beginning of a bit of fox tailing on this one too if I look closely, new baby white pistels just beginning to sprout) see readings, not good!!20200818_210610.jpg