24hr lighting


Active Member
i have 2 29 watt cfls. i have 2 plants growing. is it ok to have the lights on all the time for veg.? this is my first indoor grow soo any advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
its not really the wattage of the bulbs that important(except for power bill) the higher the amount of lumens the bulbs give off the better. those should be fine to run all day.


Active Member
i used cfs 3 75 wts for 24/24 7 weeks i think it grow much fast then my plants outside ant looked better


Well-Known Member
keep it on 24/0 until you want to flower. it will grow twice as big from the time you start flowering. to do that just get a timer and set it on 12/12. make sure the dark is completely dark. no more than moonlight available in dark period

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
i've heard from several sources that 24 hour light increases your chances of growing males and hermies. I use 4/20 lights ha


Well-Known Member
I like 18-6 for growing all my green leafy stuff because it seems make the most efficient use of electricity.


Well-Known Member
24/0 is fine the little ladies love it i got 4 chiesel ablueberry and a white cross all on 24 under flows for 5 weeks then flower 112/12 under 400 hps, they love it


Well-Known Member
i really dont like to veg my plants with 24 hours of light... they grow when the light is off.. plats collect the energy during the light cycle and assimilate it and use it when the light is off.. it obviously works to veg them with the light on all the time.. but i believe it is better to just root cuttings under 24 hours of light but to switch to 18 hours on 6 hours off for a good veg..... it will not grow faster with the light on 24 hours a day.......

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
i really dont like to veg my plants with 24 hours of light... they grow when the light is off.. plats collect the energy during the light cycle and assimilate it and use it when the light is off.. it obviously works to veg them with the light on all the time.. but i believe it is better to just root cuttings under 24 hours of light but to switch to 18 hours on 6 hours off for a good veg..... it will not grow faster with the light on 24 hours a day.......
werd. its a waste of electricity