24hrs after first cloning: Wilting Clones


I used rooting gel in a 1 use packet from hydro store. I have watered once with spray bottle covering the whole clone and plug. I used Clonex solution, 2 teaspoons/1 quart. One or two stand erect, some have whithered and turned darker, most just lay limp, but do not look like dead. Pics attached, any advice/comments. Thank you very much.View attachment 1188574


Well-Known Member
don't spray your clones.. spray the inside of your dome..I found when I sprayed the plants they drooped as you have.. and they will be fine .. should perk up in a day or so... but if you spray the inside of the dome.. you may find as I did that I don't get the droop anymore.


Well-Known Member
Thats a good link.

Yes they fall. The should rise to the occasion, shouldn't take too long, I hope.
I am waiting too.


Thank for the input.

I plan to transplant straight into big rock wool cubes and go ebb and flow. Should I fill my flood table with a medium? I have read that I can just put the cube in the table and rock and roll. Thought and comments? ebb and flow system pictures are attached.2010-10-01 19.37.16.jpg2010-10-01 19.39.40_Mt Pleasant_South Carolina_US.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like mine did, when I had my heating mat running 24/7. They all drooped the next morning when I checked 'em, just like your's. I set my timer for 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off, misted them well,(dome too) and they perked up to good as new, by the next day. As long as your Rapid Rooters are good and wet,.....I'd say that your temps are too high, inside that done. The humidity may need to come up some, they are a littler leafier than they could be, but essentially, heat is likely your main problem. Trim some of that foliage, and it'll help further.


Trim off more foliage? Do you think that it is trying to transpire too much? I will try that though. I am sure that ambient heat in the room is not an issue, doesn't get over 81 in there with the t5. You mentioned heat inside the dome, it doesn't snap on. I have top vents closed to to compensate, but that may not be needed. I need to put my thermometer's remote probe in there to get exact temp and humidity reading. I should trim the lower leaves, right? When I do trim the foliage.

Thanks for the input jawbrodt. When I start a journal for my t5 scrog, I would enjoy your input.


This is also my first time cloning, I am not sure what the conditions need to be, nor how to maintain the inside of the dome with spraying and what not.


Well-Known Member
Trim off more foliage? Do you think that it is trying to transpire too much? I will try that though. I am sure that ambient heat in the room is not an issue, doesn't get over 81 in there with the t5. You mentioned heat inside the dome, it doesn't snap on. I have top vents closed to to compensate, but that may not be needed. I need to put my thermometer's remote probe in there to get exact temp and humidity reading. I should trim the lower leaves, right? When I do trim the foliage.

Thanks for the input jawbrodt. When I start a journal for my t5 scrog, I would enjoy your input.


This is also my first time cloning, I am not sure what the conditions need to be, nor how to maintain the inside of the dome with spraying and what not.
Check out my journal in the Journal section, I just had roots start in 6 days, minus a couple hours. That's pretty fast. I don't attribute it to any special skill, I attribute it mostly, to the vigor of the strain(Ice), and a little attention to detail. Rooting gel, was the only additive.

Yep, if you do some trimming, those things will perk right up, and also take root faster. The drawback, is that you lose that foliage, and they have to regrow it, after they've rooted. You lose a couple days, but gain it back in rooting time. Personally, I'd rather ensure rooting, than speed up early veg. The new leaves will be there soon enough, IMO. :)

Anyway,...if you want to trim them some, leave the grow tip, and the upper 4 fan leaves alone. You can either remove the lower fan leaves completely, or cut them in half. The more you remove, the easier they'll stay hydrated. You already know the trade-off. :wink:

Also, when you mist them, soak them well. They'll look droopy as hell, but will absorb that much-needed water. But, if you have the extra time, mist them a little lighter, every hour or two, til they perk back up. Then, do it 2-3 times a day, afterwards.


Well-Known Member
P.S. If you trim, you can do it whenever you feel like it, light or dark, early or late. Won't make much difference, either way. My tip, is to use sharp scissors, and make quick cuts, try to not disturb the stem in the medium. The looser they become, the worse off they are.(peat pellets, are bad for this. Plugs, hold cuttings much tighter) Try not to let them rotate, while trimming. Keep it minimal, the best you can. :)


Thanks jawbrodt... Have you any opinions on General Organics v. BC hydro stuff? I want to use the Flora, but if what he's got is as good, I will save to money.


Well-Known Member
^Sorry man, I use Dynagro nutes, along with Calmag Plus. All I can tell you, is that either will work great. The key is getting your feeding doses right, not the actual brand name. Basically, nutes are nutes,(chemical nutes, specifically) reguardless of what the advertisements say, of how cool their name is.lol Don't fall prey to hyped-up names like "Superthrive", is all I'm saying. That implies that it is giving you a boost that is "above and beyond", when it in fact, it total BS, and nothing special, at all. Hmm...why does that always piss me off, when I think about it?lol :wink:

I think it's because I hate seeing so many new guys getting ripped off. :)


Fight the power jawbrodt. I found this conversion table for Flora products, http://www.hydroponics.net/learn/weekly_feeding_program_flora.asp. Do you think this sounds appropriate?

My set is going to be a t5 48 scrog, ebb and flow with 2 or 3 plants. My reservoir is 5 gals, will probably have 4.5 in it. I need an afforable TDS/pH meter, any suggestions? Haha, I would love to have one that I could download data from to my pc and make graphs for my journal when I get started. But I think I would have to steal that from school, and that's not cool.

I'm having the same problem but only with one cutting.. the others are upright and sturdy, two are showing signs of rooting already.. I have my fingers crossed on the droopy one because it's another Cheese...


Active Member
I know this won't fit with other techniques but I have 100% success every time using aerocloner. Cuttings go in tall and stay tall.


1. Cutting should be about 4 inches.
2. trim everything apart from the top and 1 fan leaf
3. have 1 inch of stem below plug.
4. cook in straight water (ph'd)
5. easy on the light, no direct 600w or similar
6. maintain 76-80 degrees with heat mat to keep humidity high.
7. sprayers on for 15 mins, off for 45 mins.
8. Keep humidity dome on (vents closed)
9. No folair spray
10. leave em alone. No need to change water.
11. done in 8-12 days with 2-3 inch roots.