24hrs of Light @ 6 weeks Flowering, any chance of rescue?


Well-Known Member
While moving aroundpower cords tired and stoned, I accidently plugged my fucking amp into the timer, and my light rig into the open socket (ouch) And gave my girl 24hrs of light yesterday.

I just put her back to sleep at 9pm, and I'm going to restart 12/12 @ 9am tomorrow.

Is this going to be enough to cause her to reveg completely and waste weeks of time?
Ifso I'll just cut my losses and chop her.
Or should I just keep my eye onher and watit to find out?
Fucking stupidass rollitup textbosx sucks so much to backspace on that I'm ignoring typos.

I believe today is Day 46,
last time I grew her, she began bananas on Day 49, and I chopped her @56.A
Appreciate any help. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
No harm done dude, don't worry it's just 12 more hours, so ok they got a lil confused if any...


Active Member
Yep yep, had a timer fail once, cheap peice of shit. Same thing happened found one hermie in all my crop from unknown strain bagseed, all known genetics seemed fine


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks a ton.
Wish I could get her back to 7-7, but 9-9 willwork fine too.

She's some Lemon Skunk, fairly old genetics from my area.

The wierd thing is, I instantly noticed how much biggershe was after all the light, I think sheliked it.