you need to hit us up with some more pics before you do that brother. I mean, you can do what you damn well please, its your plant, but i would love to see your plant reach the full potential that its able to under your care. Post up another pic, and tell us what day flowering it is, and then let us help you decide on how many weeks you got left bro. Your probably gonna wanna go about 60 days-70 days flowering, depending on your plants, especially since your counting from first day of 12/12, and not when your first pistils show themselves. I made the mistake of harvesting early with my first grow, and ended up with nuggets that were 60% hairs, and very little density on the nuggets. When cured out, i ended up with alot less than an ounce, thats all ill say, lol. Just post the pics up, n ill make sure i check back within the next day to look at your progress man.
--Just so you know, i aint tryin to tell you how to grow, im the last person in the world that can tell anyone how to do that shit, lol - i would just hate for someone to make the same mistake that i did, n am just tryin to help u out bro