250 or 400 hps in cabinet


Active Member
im gonna start doing my first grow and would like some edvice on my cabinet and lighting system.I am most likely gonna get a 400w hps kit from htg supply and place it i a closet cabinet that im gonna buy from ikea.Im gonna have the light sealed off on the top by a shelf that will have a pieace of tempered glass placed in the middle of it acting as my own glass reflector.I will have a pc fan sucking the heat out of the sealed area were the light is and another pc fan on the bottom for intake air as well as a circulating fan.Im still wondering if i should buy the 400 or 250.


Well-Known Member
ok man let us have the dimentions tho,

also one comment u might be a lot better off getting an upgraded reflector sealed with lens and cooling flange, which is an option with htgsuply that way u can have the optimal heat removale and go ahead ahd get the 400watt light. i think u would be much happyer with a 400watter, plus the prices are so close from 250w to 400w to 600w

definatly get a legit hood suck the heat out and use the 400watt,

also how much it that cabinet, tell me prices ive done mad research and i may have some spicy yet saultrey alternatives


Well-Known Member
some people use 50W per plant.....how much room do you think you have and how many plants. the above obviously depends on the size of plant....I have three plants (including a huge monstro) under 400W right now, but I am told I can put 9 plants in this cab? good luck man.....and walk on!


Active Member
the demisons are 31xwidth,19xdepth,70xhieight and i plan on growing about 3 hopefully 4 plants the size of 3 feet.And i would love to get the air cooled reflector but the cheapest one is a euro refloector and the outlets are on the sides which means i would have to vent the heat out the sides of cabinet and that will draw attenction.I really need the exhaust to come out the back so no one can tell im doing a grow because i live with my father and my probation officer does house vists.The cabinet is 80$ plus tax the only thing i didnt really like was those transparent doors but some black poly will take car of that.Ive been searching for the perfect cabinet for under 90$ thatll do 4 plants but these is the closest thing i could find.Money is also tight so i need to make the best of what i can find and see if it dose the trick.


Well-Known Member
oh ok...clarification.....new advice...if you're on probation...and living with dad.....not the best of circumstances to grow.....prolly a good time to take a look and introspect a little....but in the words of YGF - I'm prolly wrong...


Well-Known Member
good def dont do it man most def if u just gettin off , anyway, u need to think wisley about your setup gonna be eneitable to improve and upgrade the less money u waste the better


Active Member
My dad smokes weed too he also saw me growing my shit.He said he didnt like it becasue its not my house and i shouldnt be spending my money on shit i dont need but if i keep it stealthy whos gonna know about it.And its not like im gonna be selling it this is for me and my uncle because were tired of getting the shitty swag.


Well-Known Member
man i got the 400w from htg with the euro hood you can you should be able to vent out the back because hook up some air duct and just bend it to the back so it vents out the back instead of going straight out of the sides, I vent out the front of my cab so you should be able to the same thing just in reverse.....I also got the 250cm can fan from them to cool my light works great its 39 bucks ready to plug in.....few months you will a few monsters in their ready to burn,and save money in the long run because yo don't have to buy off the street............ shit you might even want to get the 600w digital ballast because its only a few bucks more and alot more light the more the better the bigger the buds.....but I don't know how much hotter it will get then the 400w


Well-Known Member
I would defnitily advise to spend a little extra money the beginning and do it right the first time and you be happy in the end


Active Member
what odor would i have to worry about if the reflector is sealed in with the tempered glass.All that is being sucked out is hot air from the light and incoming air from the other side.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I think a sealed pyrex glass could work well. As. long as it is completely sealed off from the growspace I think it sounds like a great idea. you should do it. keep us updated


Well-Known Member
I 'll be interested as well if the odour is contained.....odour is one of those things....makes its way where it don't belong....path of least resistance......good luck man! keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
ha! man I have a three ft wide x18 inch deep and 6 foot tall cabinet from office depote. It was about 275 dollars,I know you said money was an issue but the cabinet is what makes it stealthier.I have 600 hps in there with a 6" vortex 449cfm fan which was expensive about 200 dollars,and its kinda loud. I wish I would of went with a duct fan from lowes for about 40$ and is much quieter,but I can putt my hand right on the glass and it doesnt feel hot at all. just trying too help! A good light and cabinet and your in,green tree hydroponics is where I got mine for 286$ econo cool reflector with remote ballast and accomondates both hps and mh. It worth it.


Active Member
Man those fans are bad ass but there just too damn expensive.You should have got a active air blower from hydrofarm for like 150$ i here there quiet.But as for me i gotta make it work with one or two pc fans for exuast.Pc fans push 70 cfm so if i was useing just one it would only be venting out the reflector which is like less than 2 cfm.Also from what i here those inline fans from home depot are kinda noisy people said they can here a humming noise in the other room.


Active Member
Has anyone tryed or heard of just useing a piece of tempered glass over there canopy and useing that as there own sealed in reflector.I would love the euro but its another 60$ bucks that im gonna have give up instead of using that for my cabinet.


Well-Known Member
I would assume that could work, just put the light at the top of your cab and then seal the glass in.......remember that your not going to be able to lower and raise your light if their is a piece of glass permantly seal to the sides of the cab, but you could just raise your plants up to the light when their young and this lower them as get taller.............it is also possible to make your own air cooled reflector if your handy


Active Member
i think i could raise it because there are some cabinets were they have little holes on the side so you can place a shelf to where ever you would like it.Im not shure if this cabinet has it i need to go to ikea and check it out again and see if it does.Another thing that cincerns me is if i have the 400w hps and if only the middle of the shelf im using has tempered glass would the outside of the shelf heat up and burn sence its wood and so close to the light.Do this lights heat up that much to burn wood and start fires.


Active Member
i have a 24" by 15" and have a 250 with a 4" inline fan, a 6" fan blowing directly on the light and passive intakes and its just in the right range. 2 small ass pc fans with a 400w def not gonna work plus with that much room u might have a little more penetration with a 400 but 250 should do pretty damn good.