250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder


Active Member
if you want more bud
1. everything doesha said i agree lol
2. a method you can maybe try is rotating the plants? like each day just turning them about a 1/4 of a circle my friend does that and swears on his life you get like 5-6g increase haha it kinda makes sense because i heard the BEST way to get tons of bud from a cfl grow is bulbs EVERYWHERE like small bulbs but have each 4-5 inches of plant with a bulb near it [almost impossible] but the reason for that is light exposure. So since your working with big bulbs you can't really adjust those but you can adjust the position the plant is in.


both plants look really good today. they aren't really drooping anymore and they are greener than ever. I really don't see any signs of heat shock, but ill keep an eye out


Active Member
I feel rotation is beneficial as well; I have several different strains (bagseed) going and I turn my plants every day trying to get as even a "tan" for all my beauties as I can


here are some updated pictures.. righty is streaching so much.. I have to fix the lights so that lefty's main bud is closer to them

I don't think rigty is going to produce much :(
but lefty looks perfect and is really starting to smell :)


I you dont think it would cause any harm? how high up should I pin it down?

from my understnading, to LST I need to bend the stem over and tie it down and the plant will start growing upwards again?


What soil did you use when you started? They are looking good right now!
it is miracle grow's organic potting soil... its alright, it uses time-released nutes which my plants seem to respond well to, but most people say to avoid it. I would like to try something different next time though..... well unless this grow ends up really really good

Great grow so far, keep posting pics. want to know how it turns out
will do ;)


Day 45:

I haven't updated this in a little while, but both girls are doing fine.. they are yellowing their fan leaves, but growth has not stopped nor has it slowed down. All the leaves that have bud sites on them look super good and there are crystals on the buds/small leaves.


The main cola on Lefty


I think I have about 20-25 more days until I can harvest. I am hoping that by day 70, they will be monsters lol


Well-Known Member
Day 45:

I haven't updated this in a little while, but both girls are doing fine.. they are yellowing their fan leaves, but growth has not stopped nor has it slowed down. All the leaves that have bud sites on them look super good and there are crystals on the buds/small leaves.


The main cola on Lefty


I think I have about 20-25 more days until I can harvest. I am hoping that by day 70, they will be monsters lol
they're not too close to the end so feed them a little bit of N so those yellowing leaves slow down.


they're not too close to the end so feed them a little bit of N so those yellowing leaves slow down.
yea, Ive been trying to find something at my local home depot or walmart, but I can't seem to find anything that's purely nitrogen based... the only stuff I can find is Miracle Grow Bloom-Booster Flower Food 12-9-6


Active Member
Seems too far in to add nitrogen, just let em be.
I added some N to my last grow later in flower for the same reason, it didn't do anything really.
I noticed the best results was the flush and ph'd water afterwards.


Well-Known Member
yea, Ive been trying to find something at my local home depot or walmart, but I can't seem to find anything that's purely nitrogen based... the only stuff I can find is Miracle Grow Bloom-Booster Flower Food 12-9-6
you dont need much, a little bit of worm castings or fish emulsion/kelp meal in your water could cure that. if you got almost 3-4 weeks left, that yellowing may progress, it can sometimes get ugly. i wouldnt use miracle, but next time for your medium id use something more rich.


Day 54:

they have really started to yellow and I think its almost chopping time.. what do you guys think? maybe if I get some nitrogen in there they will start looking better?

This one is tacoing a little near the top




Well-Known Member
I'm curious, could you tell me the size of pots and the size of plants? The grow I just started is very similar, and trying to do see some future output.
