250 watt HPS indoor grow 4x House Kush Plants


Quick update, Got a new DIY carbon filter runnin just for shits and giggles. Surprisingly it works quite well, we will see how it holds up!

The little ones are getting less little every day



So ive been thinking and i kind of want to scrog at least one of the plants, just to do it. Let me know what you think as i am totally unfamiliar with the method. It doesnt seem terribly complicated but where i am unfamiliar is the placement of the screen and the "training" of the plants once they reach the wire.


Well-Known Member
conman whats up husler? just found ur journal , u should put a link on ur signature. n e way good luck with what u got going, hope most or at least half are fem. i see u playing xbox, u got mw3 yet? looking good so far but u know its early, the thing about scrog in ur situation is i would want to KNOW that the plant ur scroging is a girl . u will be pist as shit if u spend all that extra time veg and work twisting and bending then ur all exited and find out that bitch is a man. so, heres some advice once they get a little bigger and u see which ones are growing faster that the others, take 2 clones off each of em , when they root switch them clones over to a 12/12 schedule to see what the sex is ,, usually a week or so,then if the babays are girls u know the mother is a girl u know? also look up "the secret of the west coast masters" is a $35 book i bought but u can read a preview on their website. and it gives begginers a good mental of what u need to do training wise. but good luck and thanks for looking at my journal man . be easy


conman whats up husler? just found ur journal , u should put a link on ur signature. n e way good luck with what u got going, hope most or at least half are fem. i see u playing xbox, u got mw3 yet? looking good so far but u know its early, the thing about scrog in ur situation is i would want to KNOW that the plant ur scroging is a girl . u will be pist as shit if u spend all that extra time veg and work twisting and bending then ur all exited and find out that bitch is a man. so, heres some advice once they get a little bigger and u see which ones are growing faster that the others, take 2 clones off each of em , when they root switch them clones over to a 12/12 schedule to see what the sex is ,, usually a week or so,then if the babays are girls u know the mother is a girl u know? also look up "the secret of the west coast masters" is a $35 book i bought but u can read a preview on their website. and it gives begginers a good mental of what u need to do training wise. but good luck and thanks for looking at my journal man . be easy
Oh yes i get down on cod. And how do i put a signature in my shit? any help with that would be great as i have no clue how to. I got on this morning to do an update as it has been QUITE the morning. So i get up, check on my plants, and hop in the shower. Get out of the shower to water as today is watering day, and My MH is hanging by ONE Grow-yo. One of them fucked up causing it to swing and hit my best looking baby. Now, if you guys knew how i am a handy man and how much something like this pisses me off, you would understand my frustration. I am just glad the bulb did not shatter causing a fire. Gotta stay positive, for the plants at least right? haha I will post a pic as i cannot tell if it was a slice damage or a burn but i am praying that she will recover. Also, i have been reading up on watering when gone for a couple of days and have decided that the babies will be fine for 3 days since i planned the watering to take place right before i leave which will be fine for the little ones. Just in case, i ordered some knockoff Blumats to throw in in case they do run through water. Lastly, as the incident this morning pissed me off greatly, i threw up the 4 fluoros to run in the days i am gone as i do not want to risk anything with that damn MH until i figure out what happened. As for the scrog post i had put up, i am thinking the same thing and i will scrog next time. Pics are being taken now so will be up in a few.AHHH the stress of a mishap, after these pics i will go get a blunt and some coffee and be NIIICE.


Well-Known Member
damn that sux about ur light , i too am very handy and its the little shit like that that gets to me too, i worked for a contractor but been layed off for about 4 months now,also for watering u could get one of those things from walmart that you put water in and stick it in the dirt and they kinda drip out, but yeah 3 days will prolly be fine, yo that special ops survival im mw3 is the SHIT !!!! and while you were going thru that shit this morning i went and got 2 tickets ..... WOO HOOO Katt Williams , Charlie Murphy and Big worm doing a comedy show on sunday night here .... im exited as all fuck, also i got a little baby Barneys farm Blue cheese ill shoot u a pic later... lookin fat as hellllllllllll , aight man take it easy


Damn true. Thats sick. I was thinking about Aqua globes but with big 6 gal pots they would just leak till it was all mush i think. Sorry im rolling a blunt right now while i import pics. Theyll be up in a few. I had a question about whether you thought i should top the damaged plant as it is my largest and most healthy and i think topping it could be a wise choice. Lemme know what u think when i get pics up. And yeah buddy, I been playing survival too! i love that shit. Ill have to get ur tag sometime. ok next post will have the pics.


Alright so here are some pics of the little ones. Crazy how much they grow over 2 and a half weeks. :leaf:

Now here is my pride and joy plant that was collateral damage this morning. As you can see, theres a chunk taken out of that fresh growth. What do you guys think? let her go? or top it right below as you can see that is what the second node?

Thanks for the help guys. They are starting to smell skunky already which is always exciting


Also the minor leaf hot spotting on that last pic occurred a few days ago. I took care of that and she is fine, it is just that damn chunk that worries me.
Heres some pics of some amazing UK cheese i picked up yesterday along with some nice OG Kush and of course COFFEE!

Some AMAZINGLY frosty cheese

Cheese in back for comparison against that OG in front

And im set haha



Well-Known Member
no dont top it yet, just wait a little more , it will be fine. wait till that set grows out so u get 6 fan leaves then top it and remove the bottom 2 weather u clone em or trash em . what ive found to be best is wait for 6 ,top then remove lower and u get 4 nice colas. look up UB topping method. and ur gonna have to shoot me ur tag on xbox n ill holla at u.


i actually have read that thread. awesome shit. so you think the leaf will recover then. And i will have to research that because thats what i want to do but am unfamiliar with the methods. so what node do you typically top at then and when you do you remove the bottom leaves? oh my tag is CONMAN322 all caps no spaces. im about to get on not that i think about it.


Well-Known Member
ok what i do... as of the last 2 months is just as soon as u got a clean snip after 6 full leaves.... bear with me im super stoned.ok.. from the dirt up , first u got those 2 baby leaves, those dont count,then u sprout 2 leaves left and right , then 2 up and down , then 2 left and right the WHACK snip that fucker about a 1/4 inch above those leaves nodes ,as soon as the stalk develops and u get a clear shot to now mess up the2 branches that are forming there, u can wait longer till those small branches are poping out .U DONT WANT TO CUT THEM OR THEY WILL GROW F.D UP,thats why FIM means "fuck i missed" but yeah that handles the top , in a couple days u will see all the 6 branches taking off,if ur gona clone wait till those 2 lower ones get about 4 or 5 inches then cut them close to the stalk and clone em. if u dont care to clone em do it sooner so the plant dosent waste energy on them lowers, , u can even do it at the same time as top, my critical jacks were ready to top aboutweek 4 from seed ... soo about 2 weeks of veg . im gonna be cloning thats why im letting my lowers grow so they will have a better chance.


Ok i got you. i have a little bit to go until thinking about topping. Wondering if i Should top all of my plants? Message me ur tag if you wana cod sometime.


Well-Known Member
whats up conman, happy turkey day , did the little one recover? hope all is well im gonna charge some batterys and post pics tommorro. later