250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot jigfresh, hopefully if there are more people like you kindly directing people where to post this won't happen in almost every journal I read lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot jigfresh, hopefully if there are more people like you kindly directing people where to post this won't happen in almost every journal I read lol
No worries, I used to tutor high school kids in math, I got patience. So far, God has blessed me with 30 pages of newb free journal.

Plants looking great.:clap: Excuse me for being lazy and not just looking through the thread, but what light are you using on them? it don't look like a 250 mh. (again I know I should read, lazy today)

keep up the good work bro.


Well-Known Member
Tom- I really admire your hard work and diy adventures. I was in such a rush to beat the hot weather that I bought it all.


Well-Known Member
what strain is that tom_420? the pics on the first page...
I don't know the strain of that plant I'm sorry man. It was from some bagseeds that I had saved up from various strains

Tom- I really admire your hard work and diy adventures. I was in such a rush to beat the hot weather that I bought it all.
Thanks a lot omh, I was really considering buy a tent but I didn't want to drop a lot of money


Well-Known Member
Alright so I have some news. I purchased a six inch active air inline fan for the flowering box and it works great. The temps have been excellent regardless of the room temperature that the box is in. I chopped down plant #2 and gave all of it away. It was getting pretty ugly and the trichs were good so I didn't mind. I can't get pictures today but tomorrow I will put some up of the flowering box and veg box. I believe I have a mutant Church seedling :roll: It is growing very oddly so I will watch her closely. I'll get pictures up asap you guys

Edit: here's a link to the fan, this thing really kicks ass: http://www.hydrofarm.com/pb_detail.php?itemid=8092#


Well-Known Member
Hey Tom, those centrifugal fans really do kick it. You'll certainly notice the difference with one of those babies spinning.
Look forward to the picks of that mutant. I love a good freak show.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man, I'm gonna have some pics up tomorrow of all the plants progress so make sure to check back :lol: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The flowering box is still in darkness so I'm not sure,,,, I hope everything is going well though. I am pretty close to make my box completely light proof from the outside. All I have to do is get a couple 1 1/4 inch pieces of pvc elbows and what not so that I can be sure I won't be letting any light in through the passive intake holes. I also am trying to attach the 4 inch ducting and carbon filter onto the other end of my reflector so that the box is completely smell proof. Lotta shit going on once it is all done there will be some pictures I promise haha. Thanks for stopping by lilmafia


Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

I want to get one of the GH Seeds combo packs next time I order from Attitude.

Growing The Church right now and plants seem to be doing well, I dig Green House Seeds. Also got the G13 Thai Super Skunk and they are taking off! People talk shit about those seeds but mine are growing so fast I am running out of space!


Well-Known Member
My church seedling seems to be a mutant :? the leaves are growing all funky and I don't know why. I haven't given her anything but water I saw somewhere that somebody had a mutant church plant and it looked ridiculous haha. I planted a thai super skunk a few days and I am waiting for it to pop. The greenhouse seed combo packs really are a sweet deal it seems, 5 feminized seeds all different strains for like 40 bucks :hump:


Well-Known Member
Flowering Plants

Plant #3, 52 days flower

Plant #3A, clone of plant #3, 10 days flower

All flowering plants

New 6 inch Active Air inline fan, 306 CFM

12/12 from seed dwc, unknown sex

Plant #4A, unknown sex, week 2 flower

Gonna go take some pics of the strawberries in the flowering box cause I forgot and then take some pics of the veg box. I'll be back on here in a few :hug: let me know what you guys think



Well-Known Member
Veg Box
Alright so since I got the new fan for the flowering box the veg box got some adjustments also. First I switched over from HPS to all CFL lighting. I'm using one 42 watt 2700°k bulb, 1 23 watt 6500°K bulb, and one 23 watt 2700°K bulb at the moment. It uses less watts and it is easier to cool. I also added the 4 inch inline duct fan from the flower box back to the veg box to keep things nice and cool.

Mutant Church seedling, looking a little less mutant today actually

Vegging plant that is going outside at another house. It has been topped at every branch to promote real bushy growth

Flowering strawberry




Well-Known Member
pretty pretty plants. I tripped out when I saw the fan, it was like... plant, plant, plant, FAN, haha.

The strawberry got me too, I never seen how they grow before. My first thought was "what the hell is wrong with that mj plant"

Those leaves with the purple and yellow look like a cartoon on acid. I know that's not exactly what you are shooting for, but it's nice they are at least interesting looking. You are in the middle of week 8, I beleive. How long is it supposed to flower for?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how long they are supposed to go... it was some random bagseed haha. I'm not sure why the plant is turning these crazy colors though :?: It's not cold in there at night so I guess it might just be the genetics who knows. Thanks for stopping by jigfresh :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Tom, All looking good.
I really like the way you train your plants mate.
Good job.
That church seedling doesn't look too bad - has it been exposed to high RH?
I'm thinking of changing the lighting in my veg cab to keep the heat down, how much have your temps lowered by using the CFL's now?


Well-Known Member
Well I had a 70 watt HPS and two 23 watt CFL's and the temps were around 85°F and now they are 80°F with two 23 watt CFLs and a 42 watt CFL