Alright so I just took some pics of everything. The HPS bulbs are due to arrive tomorrow so as soon as they come I will be setting that up. The 12/12 seedling is starting to show new growth everyday though she is still small. The plants in veg are getting a little stretched out so I cut a clone off of one of them and put it in a homemade bubble cloner out of a water bottle haha. I'm hoping this clone will strike roots in the next week. I fed the veg plants a half dosage of big bloom and grow big today so I will let you all know how they take to it. Here's some pics for everyones viewing pleasure (i know some of the pics are a little blurry sorry)
Pics #1- 3: some bud porn

Pics #4+5: 12/12 seedling
Pic #6: shot of big female and 12/12 seedling in the flower box
Pic #7+8: The veg plants with clone in front of pic 8