250 watt problem


Active Member

I recently purchased a complete homebox grow kit from alien growshop.

My light system worked fine for some 20 minutes. then i took it of. When i turned it on again it sparked in the ballast(where the wires from the bulb meets the ballast) and a weird tik tik tik tik tik tik sound came from the ballast. the bulb broke. i tried with another bulb and the same thing happened.
tried with a third bulb (cheaper gib bulb this time), but there seems to be no life in the ballast. I have connected everything properly.

Is the ballast broken?

anybody know what happened?

All help is appreciated.

have a nice day.

Secret Grower

Active Member
Sounds like a in-line short within the ballast. I would call there customer service and have them send me a new one. Wow, your bulbs broke. Did they explode?


Active Member
No. they just stopped working and when i shake them, i can hear that something is loose inside.

Ok. i will try to complain to the company. thanks for help. hopefully work something out....


Active Member
you have to be careful some companies try to palm you off with ballasts that cause surging probs mainly because they are the type that power strip lighting at your local petrol stations think you have been ripped it happened to me when i bought my first set up hand similar probs had to buy new ballast you could add anti surge unit but they are not cheap and you shud not have to resort to that anyway i would recomend you purchase powerplant ballast had mine ten years no problems watsoeva


Active Member
the shop you bought it from should replace it got your receipt get your money back and shop elsewhere not everyone will rip you off most give good help and support


Active Member
bom i hope they sort out your problem if they dont give us a shout and we can go kick sum ass ripoff merchant wankers


Active Member
Thanx for the help guys. Sent an email to the company. Will let u know when they reply. For now my babies have to do with cfl....


Active Member
tried it one more time after a week of rest and now it seems to be working again. I dont know what happened. The company was cool to deal with......