250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
ok well i dont think the top is gonne be fixing itself up anytime soon. i used my fingers to bend about 3" of the top and it now sits sideways without tying down. its all floppy.


Active Member
Not sure brettsog, but from what I have read is if you just bend it until it pops and tie it (may tie up or down) the spot where it bent over will heal and create a bump. If its floppy tie it in place so its not moving around alot.

I have one of my three that ended up being a few inches taller, been moving it and tieing it all different ways. My next step will be to bend it at a 90 degree..

@AP2K here is my 3 girls under a 250W SS2, if your using a normal reflector you will have better light cover as well.

There is actually still a 4th back there in the corner, but she is scrawny. My lone bagseed survivor..


Well-Known Member
You may have broke them main stem. Gently gently with bending and tieing. I imagine it will still survive and continue to develop, just not as well. If you need to tie in future, bend them a little at first, and then increase the bend gradually each day. Also, when plants are low on water, they are weaker and easier to bend. Check out a guide on LST. That's more complex plant training, but the principles are the same.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
ok well i dont think the top is gonne be fixing itself up anytime soon. i used my fingers to bend about 3" of the top and it now sits sideways without tying down. its all floppy.
If it is too floppy or if the bending has broken the stem, you can duct tape over the wounded spot and this will help protect it. Many people who do LST will crush the stem sometimes to the point of breaking right through the outer wall. Simply duct tape over it and wait for 7-14 days and the wounded spot should have healed over with a large bump along the stem.


Well-Known Member
I told myself that I was going to wait till mid Oct and some cool weather to start my next grow. Well that is almost 9 weeks I could play around with and experiment I thought. So I was out at my buddy's and while looking through his clones we find one girl with no label. Trying to figure out by size which strain it came from was near impossible so I figured what the hell. MYSTERY GROW TIME!

On top of that another buddy stumbled on a outdoor grow while fishing early this spring and took some cuttings home with him to grow out. This plant is definitely a hybrid, showing some sativa branching structure with indica looking budsets. The smell and smoke is really sweet and fuely so it maybe a diesel strain of some sort. So even better DOUBLE MYSTERY GROW!

Got both transplanted to hempy's a couple days ago and they both seem to be responding well. The bigger clone (I think this may be the same blueberry I grew last grow, looks real similar) is eating itself a bit as it throws roots trying to find food, but they look pretty good.

I am going to veg under cfl's only to minimize the heat and let these girls stretch. I am using 4 42w cfl's, they say equivalent to 250w regular bulbs each not sure about that. I hope this is enough light to veg my screen full, I dont want to fire up the 250w, since the heat will require more fans blowing air and will limit my growth.

I will throw some pics up later.


Active Member
So I have been having these nute burn issues. Seems all to have been Ph related thus far, too low, then too high so the deficiencies showing are tough to read. But might have had some over fert as well.
I flushed last week with a clearing solution, then ran a few gallons of water through and followed it with light nute solution.
Ran 1 gal of water through on Sat, distilled 7.0, my run off was still a bit high like 6.8 so I did another gallon at 6.3 and the RO was 6.6 - 6.7.

Should I go with a light nute solution say 1/2 strength and Ph it to 6.3 or so next feeding?

Trying to avoid messing it up again, not sure if I am just making it worse or not at this point. They seem to look healthier right now, so it appears I am heading in the right direction. Figuring 4 - 5 weeks left on them so I want to finish strong.



Well-Known Member
I told myself that I was going to wait till mid Oct and some cool weather to start my next grow. Well that is almost 9 weeks I could play around with and experiment I thought. So I was out at my buddy's and while looking through his clones we find one girl with no label. Trying to figure out by size which strain it came from was near impossible so I figured what the hell. MYSTERY GROW TIME!

On top of that another buddy stumbled on a outdoor grow while fishing early this spring and took some cuttings home with him to grow out. This plant is definitely a hybrid, showing some sativa branching structure with indica looking budsets. The smell and smoke is really sweet and fuely so it maybe a diesel strain of some sort. So even better DOUBLE MYSTERY GROW!

Got both transplanted to hempy's a couple days ago and they both seem to be responding well. The bigger clone (I think this may be the same blueberry I grew last grow, looks real similar) is eating itself a bit as it throws roots trying to find food, but they look pretty good.

I am going to veg under cfl's only to minimize the heat and let these girls stretch. I am using 4 42w cfl's, they say equivalent to 250w regular bulbs each not sure about that. I hope this is enough light to veg my screen full, I dont want to fire up the 250w, since the heat will require more fans blowing air and will limit my growth.

I will throw some pics up later.
props to your buddy for only taking cuttings. i would be pissed if i had an outdoor grow that got ripped off.


Active Member
Thanks, mine is coming with a cool tube hood, hope it spreads light enough, or I'll swap it out for a bigger reflector. May I ask what size is your tent?
Not really a tent, had the brainstorm to build my own box and save money. Overall its 24"w x 54"L x 6'H. I use approx 24" x 30" right now, and focusing on the top kolas. Have like 17 of them total on 3 plants.

The issue I have with my hood is the bulb is recessed about 1" in, so there is no vertical spread to the sides of the bulb, basically I have a concentrated area directly below the bulb right now and pull all the kolas into that area. I posted a few pages back my planned modification for my next grow. I think you said you are in a 24x24 area? In these smaller areas I think it may be best to utilize everything we can. With the cool tube you can train the taller growth to go to either side of the bulb. Seems its called U-ScrOG or Stadium... That way the lower growth is exposed to direct light.

As of now I have a bunch of lower growth thats too far from the light and shaded by the fan leaves above them. Most likely will be harvesting twice depending on how "matured" the lower growth is when the tops are ready, do 12" on the main kolas and leave the lower stuff an extra week or so.


Well-Known Member
props to your buddy for only taking cuttings. i would be pissed if i had an outdoor grow that got ripped off.
Yeah we are neither one of us young kids anymore, and karma is a true bitch is my belief! Maybe a couple decades ago the thought might have entered our minds to stalk this guys grow, but my buddy said it was a real pro looking op. It was sheer luck and experience that allowed my buddy to even notice it and he just wanted to find out what the guy was growing. Wishing the guy luck!

Edit: Would have liked to seen the guys face when he checked on them and seen 5 plants topped!


Active Member
Edit: Would have liked to seen the guys face when he checked on them and seen 5 plants topped!

Found a nice grow once when I was younger, was out of town working and living in a campground for the summer, didnt do anything because it was early. Went back in the fall, was a nice grow 10 - 15 plants, all fem, looked very well maintained. Didnt have the ability to take it all and deal with it, and figured the guy had put in alot of time so I didnt take anything.

Never got his name or anything, but he came by the camp site about a week n a half later and handed me a brown paper bag and said thanks. Was about 3z in there, good skunk...
I figured he was there the second time I went by and must have recognized me, small town & outsiders stand out...

Glad I didnt take anything... May have ended alot differently...
I lost 8 of 10 plants one year to someone. Was one of the worst feelings I have ever had. But it comes with the territory I guess.


Active Member
Good info 10acjed... I plan to have 3 plants in there at once, in a rotation so that I can harvest once every 2-3 weeks... So once I see how the light is spread, the plants closer to finishing will have priority. Yep, it's only a 24x24 area.

Another thing is if there happens to be any real shaded areas and a certain plant is really missing out, I'll supplement the lower growth with some of my CFLs, or at least that's the plan.


Active Member
Good info 10acjed... I plan to have 3 plants in there at once, in a rotation so that I can harvest once every 2-3 weeks... So once I see how the light is spread, the plants closer to finishing will have priority. Yep, it's only a 24x24 area.

Another thing is if there happens to be any real shaded areas and a certain plant is really missing out, I'll supplement the lower growth with some of my CFLs, or at least that's the plan.
No need just prop the smaller ones up to meet the canopy of the biggest plant and you will be fine. My tent has the same dimensions and that is how I do it and so far it is working great.