250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?


Well-Known Member
About how far away (in feet) should my 400w HPS be away from the plant? I plan on going to the hardware store to buy supplies for the grow box and I am going to use that to determine how much wood I need.
Start at about 12 inches... and the place your hand under the light. The distance where the light doesn't make your hand too hot is the correct distance.


Well-Known Member
I have a BIG closest but I don't want to have a growing area. I have friends and whatnot over so I don't want it to say "LOOK AT WHAT I'M GROWING". The plant is a clone that I got from the club, it is still in the Styrofoam cup it came in and it stand about a foot tall and 9 inches wide.

Tree of Life

Active Member
keep the light between 12"-18" from the top of the plant. the closer it is the more light it can receive, but also more heat from the bulb so be cautious. most reflectors have fittings for a heat shield (glass / fiberglass / plastic) that will allow the light to be closer without the added heat.

i would personally recommend foxfarm soil, but just about anything will do if the pH is right and it has good drainage.

A good rule of thumb is 1 gal. soil per 1 ft. plant


Well-Known Member
put it in a one gallon...square if possible....or a two gallon if you dont want to transplant it.....hes right 1 gallon per foot...but i never go past two gallons....thats a heavy pot...

Tree of Life

Active Member
+ rep for cheezy, i forgot about square pots. square means more room is the same space. for the size of your clone i'd start in a 2 gal. and a transplant may or may not be necessary depending on how big you want to grow

Tree of Life

Active Member
how big do you want the plant to get?

try this:
container height + plant h. + space between plant and light + light = inside height of the box. you'll also need to cram at least 1 fan in there


Well-Known Member
I think I will go with 6 feet tall. 9 inches for the pot, 4 feet for the plant (max) 1 foot distance from the plant and the light will be on the outside on the box.


Well-Known Member
Here is the plant...How deep should I pant it since there is a lot of stem before the leaves since it was trimmed?


Tree of Life

Active Member
that clone needs a transplant asap, it wants to get into its veg stage. fill your pot with soil, dig a hole large enough for all the dirt in that cup, place your clone in and spread 1/4" of soil over the top.

what light is it under now, and when was it watered?


Well-Known Member
I just watered it and it isn't under a light now, I am on my way to go get a 400w HPS, I just got it this morning.


Well-Known Member
not too deep...i put the soil in first(the 2 gallon)...not to much...then place the styrafoam (while plants still in)in the soil and make like a mold...then fiil the sides between the cup and pot....until there almost to the top of the side of the cup....pop it in and put a little more soil to make it level...the soil should almost go to the top of the pot ....leave an inch for water to avoid run off...


Well-Known Member
yes your lady looks healthy if its a lady look for signs of presex white hairs when your ready to flower it white hairs coming out of the plant
Good Luck Bro