253 Economists in Support of S. 1129 a Medicare for All Health Care System

Set up a S corporation for self. have your clients or customers now pay the corporation instead of you. begin withdrawing a salary ( earned income) from the corporation . not a full salary 50-60 percent then pay yourself the other 50-40 in dividends ( unearned income ). self-employment tax applies only to earned income.
you are then eligible to deduct half of your self-employment taxes from your federal taxable income. You can also deduct anything used to generate your income. No reason not to have a home office which means part of mortgage and utilities as write off. and now you can also pick up the 54 cents a mile driving to any location when you work. You welcome..

oh yeah Fuck Biden


thank you London this is what I had in mind to help @UncleBuck with:hug:..you can also show losses for the first 2-3 years to further sweeten the pot..the government completely accepts this and any CPA will confirm.

you're welcome, LD.
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Sounds scummy and illegal

it's the most legal thing there is and by not leveraging you're leaving money on the table and putting yourself and family through financial shite for nothing..London just gave you thousands of dollars of accounting information for free.

google s-corp.
it's the most legal thing there is and by not leveraging you're leaving money on the table and putting yourself and family through financial shite for nothing..London just gave you thousands of dollars of accounting information for free.

google s-corp.
So it’s legal to skip out on fica taxes by pretending you are doing things you’re not and calling things what they arent

sounds very legal and very cool
it's the most legal thing there is and by not leveraging you're leaving money on the table and putting yourself and family through financial shite for nothing..London just gave you thousands of dollars of accounting information for free.

google s-corp.
So it’s legal to skip out on fica taxes by pretending you are doing things you’re not and calling things what they arent

sounds very legal and very cool
I always get my financial advice from RIU. So many millionaires here.
Bernie proposed to increase top statutory federal tax to 77%. Indeed, the rest is based on well informed estimates, from which I have chosen the lowest for argument.

Also, and I do realize this next bit is only loosely related because it has no chance in hell of ever happening in America, his entire economic agenda, including free tuition and his version of a GND has an estimated pricetag of a staggering 97 trillion dollars for first decade period.

Now you're speculating. I may want more coverage, but I would still prefer the choice. Or I may have a retirement visa elsewhere.

Nonetheless, I prefer to have more control over what healthcare I access and how I care for myself. You should vote according to what you want, as long as you're informed. Unfortunately, those pushing the M4A agenda do not want to answer how much they will tax. In fact they go out of their way to avoid answering it. See post #6 of this thread.

I do in fact wish to have a single-payer healthcare system, but only AFTER costs have been reduced and not before. Just like a household with low debt to income ratio doesn't go to a Mercedes dealership until dad gets a better job, we can't approve that kind of spending without the revenue. The moral arguments and the why do you care arguments aside. It's getting annoying hearing these personal arguments.

I care. I'm telling you I care. I don't want those huge tax hikes. If you want them, vote for them. That is your right. Please don't try to convince me to accept tax hikes for coverage that I do not want or need. If you have some info about how much the plan will increase the deficit (therefore requiring federal revenue) I'm very much ready for it.
Regarding my summary of your status, I was merely repeating back what I understood from your posts. The most compelling argument of yours that I've I read (or perhaps I wrongly interpreted from your posts) is that you didn't feel you could or should pay $10,000 extra for healthcare coverage you don't need today. My point is the single payer system covers from cradle to grave and practically everybody between the ages of 2 and 60 are in the lowest parts of their lifetime health care coverage costs.

Who has a plan for reducing health care costs while sticking to the private healthcare system? I'd like to read up on that.

I never said you should accept tax hikes. I am saying that I don't know where you come up with the tax hikes you claim you will be stuck with and the amount. The CBO showed that the system is so complex and the plan that Bernie wrote lacks enough detail to enable the kind of clarity you cite in your posts.
it's the most legal thing there is and by not leveraging you're leaving money on the table and putting yourself and family through financial shite for nothing..London just gave you thousands of dollars of accounting information for free.

google s-corp.
Dude on some other shit right now. He should have just said thank you and moved forward. Reminds me of my kid when he was 5 and would not eat anything green. Not even delicious kiwi. Thank god my son grew the fuck up
Dude on some other shit right now. He should have just said thank you and moved forward. Reminds me of my kid when he was 5 and would not eat anything green. Not even delicious kiwi. Thank god my son grew the fuck up
I dunno, kinda sounds illegal and scummy to lie to the irs about how I earned my income by calling it something it’s not
I dunno, kinda sounds illegal and scummy to lie to the irs about how I earned my income by calling it something it’s not
Call the IRS and ask. then make sure you come back and apologize

I notice you have a very hard time admitting when you wrong. I hope you don't do this shit to your wife. Sometime you have to admit, 1. "Wow I did not know that" and 2. "Shit I was wrong ". Life Lesson
Call the IRS and ask. then make sure you come back and apologize

I notice you have a very hard time admitting when you wrong. I hope you don't do this shit to your wife. Sometime you have to admit, 1. "Wow I did not know that" and 2. "Shit I was wrong ". Life Lesson
Are you sure it’s legal to just start calling my earned income unearned income and stop paying taxes on it?

that sounds illegal and scummy
Did you also think llcs couldn’t write off pretty much all the same expenses as S corps too?

I’m beginning to think you might not be the worlds finest pot website financial advisor guru
Last piece of free advice to you . You are just too ram headed to take it and use it
On self employment tax..
LLC- Assessed on business profits of $400 or more
S- None
Now do I have to explain what this mean ? and do you need me to list all the difference in a LLC versus S. If so what type of weed are you growing maybe we can make a deal.
Last piece of free advice to you . You are just too ram headed to take it and use it
On self employment tax..
LLC- Assessed on business profits of $400 or more
S- None
Now do I have to explain what this mean ? and do you need me to list all the difference in a LLC versus S. If so what type of weed are you growing maybe we can make a deal.
No thanks I already have a pot website financial advisor guru
No thanks I already have a pot website financial advisor guru
not trying to be your financial advisor guru, just attempting to give a working family man some solid advice. He might need to speak with your guru about somethings though. he/she is not serving you well.
not trying to be your financial advisor guru, just attempting to give a working family man some solid advice. He might need to speak with your guru about somethings though. he/she is not serving you well.
Do you think the irs would buy that I suddenly only needed half my income to explain why the other half of my income suddenly became dividends?

I think that would get noticed. Ya know, because it’s illegal to do and all
Do you think the irs would buy that I suddenly only needed half my income to explain why the other half of my income suddenly became dividends?

I think that would get noticed. Ya know, because it’s illegal to do and all
Once again it is not at all illegal, stop working so hard to look stupid. seriously find a financial advisor to help you. Right now you just looking like a fool. Anyone with a business mind would agree
Do you know what is illegal , stealing political signs.
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Regarding my summary of your status, I was merely repeating back what I understood from your posts. The most compelling argument of yours that I've I read (or perhaps I wrongly interpreted from your posts) is that you didn't feel you could or should pay $10,000 extra for healthcare coverage you don't need today. My point is the single payer system covers from cradle to grave and practically everybody between the ages of 2 and 60 are in the lowest parts of their lifetime health care coverage costs.

Who has a plan for reducing health care costs while sticking to the private healthcare system? I'd like to read up on that.

I never said you should accept tax hikes. I am saying that I don't know where you come up with the tax hikes you claim you will be stuck with and the amount. The CBO showed that the system is so complex and the plan that Bernie wrote lacks enough detail to enable the kind of clarity you cite in your posts.
I don't need it today. I won't need it for quite a long time. I may never need it. That means not everyone needs that much coverage. That means it should only be for those who need or want it. Expanding medicare to all who want it would get everyone covered while beginning to bring down aggregate healthcare costs and the federal expenditure for this would be a very small fraction of the cost of bernie's bill. That is a compromise. That is moving forward toward eventually having single-payer and very rapidly eliminating the problem of 27 million Americans lacking healthcare. There are a whole lot of well educated estimates on the cost of Bernie's plan ranging from 32.6 trillion to over 49 trillion over the first decade. We're using the lowest end of that range for the sake of argument and rejecting the highest number from the Mercatus study.

The 10k number comes from an example Bernie gave on TV, Colbert I think.

Liz Warren thinks she can do it with no middle class tax hikes. Her plan seems to me that it would still lead to small middle class tax hikes, but I'm cool with that and I like her character. That's just how I feel about it though, I'm not going to try to convince people. She was never my first choice but among the front runners, she is currently my favorite.