
also oral is a waste even complexed nasal is the only way to get true effect. its hydophobic and isnot worth a shit oral. complexing it makes only a little better oral but is still wasting it. trust me i was the first vendor to ever sell nbomes i have been dealing with them for a year or longer now have tried other vendors complexed blotters and have complexed my own nbomes just to run a side by side test. if you do complex it make sure to do so with water alcohol competes with the hpbcd and it encapsules the booze molocules as well. also its a 9 to 1 mix ratio 1 g of nbome take 9 g's of complexing agent
Weasels - Every report I saw that mentioned how bad they tasted so I was surprised too but I rolled it around on the tongue, there was no taste.

Sven - You did 20mg of an nbome? Please say that didn't happen because I've heard of 10mg trips that were described as being like 9 hours at almost dmt like intensity. I'd like to hear what happened if you have time and want to tell the tale.

Hey, someone on the internet liked my post enought to steal it! Awesome: http://royalqueenseeds.net/2012/03/20/25c-nbome/
also oral is a waste even complexed nasal is the only way to get true effect. its hydophobic and isnot worth a shit oral. complexing it makes only a little better oral but is still wasting it. trust me i was the first vendor to ever sell nbomes i have been dealing with them for a year or longer now have tried other vendors complexed blotters and have complexed my own nbomes just to run a side by side test. if you do complex it make sure to do so with water alcohol competes with the hpbcd and it encapsules the booze molocules as well. also its a 9 to 1 mix ratio 1 g of nbome take 9 g's of complexing agent
Wait. What??

NBOMes have been on the market, that I've been aware of, since the end of 2009. They've surely been available alot longer. 2C-E was being done in the 80s. The NBOMes were created like a decade ago. I have to have read this wrong....
Oh shit! Oh shit!

high|hgih - You just helped me figure out why the blotter had no taste. It was the cyclodextrin. This is the same stuff in Febreze you spritz in the bathroom after you take a dump. The little cyclodextrin molecules complex with the little shit molecules floating in the air. The cyclodextrin covers up the shit like a condom so you don't smell it if it's inhaled. Isn't science cool?

Complexing psychedelic drugs for bio-availability is something new afaik, but it's not something new over in the body-building world. I've learned some of these now banned hormones had the same problem with water-repelling properties. The drugs will not mix with water so they have trouble making it through the saliva into the lining of the mouth. This is why I think I see a lot of disappointing trip reports with the word "sublingual" in there. Under the tongue the uncomplexed drug rides on the surface of the saliva instead of penetrating it and winds up wasted in the stomach. That's why I shove the blotters way up between cheek and gum and try to keep spit away from it best I can. Complexing is the way to go for NBOMe on blotter.

The lack of hippy wonder Tommy Chong "Wow" factor. Elsewhere on the internet, some are raving about this drug calling it LSD perfected and so on. They like the light show without the mindfuck. Others see if differently as a cold and incomplete psychedelic experience compared to the classics, magic mushrooms, sacred cactus and LSD. I think that people who see psychedelics as a sacrament and are looking for a mystical or religious experience will not be drawn to this drug. This is not one for the Shamans. This is for the hedonist/scientist/explorer. Save your copy of "Be Here Now" for the mushroom experience.
My cat got a spam email and this is what it said:

Tip Report

25c-NBOMe: 2 400µ blotters placed between cheek and gum for 45 minutes and discarded.

45:00 First alert.

1:15 Perma grin.

1:30 Up, up and away. CEVs. Not much enhanced color.

2:00 Music enhancement very good. Music is dramatic. It's "popping" out of the speakers.

2:15 Breakfast tasted really good.

2:30 I'm at 2½ and feel like, I don't know, 150µ of acid. Is this the famous rapid tolerance build-up or just the response curve? I guess I need a 2 week tolerance break and 3 blotters to see the big show.

2:45 Did some math problems in my head to test the clear mind thing. I can do ordinary math but only with effort. Where's all the colors I heard about? My CEVS are mostly black and white. Maybe the colors start at a milligram dose or maybe it's just me. I had an intense mushroom experience once with no color enhancement.

3:00 Looking around the room nothing is melting and I see no fractals. But I get the "Van Gogh" thing I've heard people describe. My room reminds me of that painting by Van Gogh of his room at the nuthouse.


4:00 Euphoria combined with inhibition and I felt the spontaneous need to get up and start dancing. I don't know how to dance. But I know how to get up and jerk around like an idiot, so I did that for awhile. It was fun. Motor skills were only modestly impaired and I had a good time watching trails from my hands in the air just like people dancing at a Grateful Dead concert. This would normally be a very unusual behavior for a person of my age. Conclusion: The drug can have a liberating effect on behavior not unlike alcohol. Users who go to raves and jam band concerts take note.

5:00 Are sounds causing thoughts? I hear a sound and it triggers an idea or a scenario or a conversation with myself? I put on some music from my youth and memories and emotions came welling up. I closed my eyes, is the music controlling CEVs? Music feels like physical pleasure, synesthesia?

6:00 Plateau now over and long taper to the end. No speediness and sleep came easily.

Note: Again I report no body load, but at between 3 and 4 hours at one point I had some tension in my jaw and then my teeth started chattering like something out of a cartoon. It only lasted a few seconds and then stopped. The only other time in my life my teeth have chattered was when I was experiencing full blown hypothermia from getting caught outdoors in a hailstorm in summer clothing. There was no pain and the incident was short-lived but still I was concerned because it was really odd and suggests something neural going on. I was using no other drugs except for cannabis and coffee.

Overall it was an enjoyable experience that confirms this drug's potential to enhance music and dance. Because of the rapid tolerance build up I need to take 2 weeks before the next test. My cat told me the next test may be a 25I or 25D to see what those flavors are like.

Public Service Announcement

It bears repeating. In raw powder form this drug is still unusually dangerous because of it's incredible potency. Unless you are already skilled in measuring sub-milligram doses of drugs, stay away from the raw powder and only deal with doses prepared by someone who knows what they are doing, like these blotters. If you are thinking of obtaining NBOMe powder and have not heard of the Bromo-Dragonfly stories, then Google it now. You need to have the shit scared out of you before you start messing with this.

Another Public Service Announcement

The NBOMe series of drugs are very new and have very little research behind them. We don't know what they do long term. If you decide to try these compounds understand that you are accepting the risk that comes with the unknown. For all you know you could be giving yourself Parkinson's disease. More conservative types should stick to magic mushrooms which have been used for 1000s of years if you don't want to accept that kind of risk. There is already a thread on this forum with a report of a seizure from a combination of what was probably NBOMe blotters and synthetic cannabis https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/515034-i-had-seizure-last-night.html And then there's this: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=94953 You have been warned.

So with warnings like this no one should ever take it, right? Well, it's legal to skydive. It's legal to buy a 600cc sport bike even if you are a novice motorcycle handler. It's legal to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and eat fast food on a regular basis. This is what freedom is all about.


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Did 2mg 25i-NBOMe last night, had a wonderful time. About a 12 hour trip I'd say. I will write a trip report if people are interested.