26 Days of 12/12 and My Plant Still Won't Flower

I've been trying to bloom my plant for 26 days now and all I have is one premature female bud (little white-ish growth with two white hairs) on the second node from the top. The rest are just little green growths that don't have white hairs yet. I don't understand why it is taking so long to bud. I did trim some fan leaves that were blocking light. And I do have veg nutes that are time released for 4 months(I don't know if that would have any effect). I just can't figure it out. I don't think I have any major light leaks, although that seems like the answer. Has anyone had this problem before? What should I do? Any input appreciated.


mr west

Well-Known Member
u might have light leak too, that would slkow the plants to a halt. They need total darkness wen the lights off even an led could fuk it.
Do you have alternating nodes? They may not be mature enough to flower.
Yeah it has alternating nodes now but I did start flowering early. I switched the lighting cycle to 14 hour darkness and tried to fix any possible light leaks. So I guess this is what happens if you flower early?
