27 days into flowering with cfl


hi brothers,i am just a first time grower and i was woderring if i am doing all right..my plant looks total healthy,so nice and green but i still have some questions..some suggestions..am i doing it right?and thats question is gotten into my head cause of the size of flowers..are they small..?are they ok?i am using a cfl 150w warm white,80w cfl cool white,2x40w cfl warm white(14000 lummens aprox.) into my clooset (60cmx60cm),using hesi nutrients 28 days into flowering..her name..unkwon for now...so what do you all think about my results..any opinion would be a great help and advice..thnx!


the buds look ok for 27 days but for your next CFL grow try and keep the plants short and compact maybe tie them down? check mine out
notice how i reduced there height by growing them horizontally, because my space is limited this seemed like a good idea but keep space in mind. that plant you have is already rather large (expect plants to grow 2/3s there size from the time there put on 12/12) but hey, big plants! big buds! good luck


YES LST is the way to go grow em out horizontally tie her down i just started lst seeing that i just learned about it and its already starting to go to the side and top curveing up like urs but my other nodes aint bushing out i want mine to get thick seeing that im in week 7 sat and still under a foot