2700 vs 6500 question on wattage


Well-Known Member
Ok, i have a kewl setup here, and was wondering.

i have 3 lights

LEFT: 2700k 1700lumen 23watt CFL
CENTER: 2700k 2700lumen 42watt CFL
RIGhT: 2700k 1700lumen 23watt CFL

As you can see its all 2700k lights
and i know i can go start to finish with it.
but i was wondering if I changed it so
LEFT: 6500k 900lumen 13watt CFL

I know thats half the lumen, but
its 900lumen of BLUE spectrum.
would that be better to veg with
if i changed the left and right to those, and kept the center the way it is.

the space is 2sq/ft
13w seems a bit low. i like to use all 26w bulbs and i usually go 3:1

so 3 x 2700k to 1 6500k daylight or cool white

then you get the full spectrum

you could even change one of the 23w to a daylight 23w or even a 26w


Active Member
Hey man I'm new to this as well. From what I underrstand its crucial to have mostly 6500k during veg. U can mix it a lil which is what I did but u want most of your light during veg to be 6500k. This will ensure u get the most from your plant. I have 4 6500 and 2 2700 on four plants. U mos def should consider changing some of them to 6500k


Well-Known Member
Consider that plants will thrive in an environment where larges amounts of lumens are accesible. they make real over grown CFL's that are 300 EQUIVALENTS they give off a ton of lumens.

try to keep it mainly 6500k for vegg and then 2700k for flowering. not a bad thing to mix the spectrum but based on personal grows i had success with 6500k alone for vegg and dito for 2700k during my flowering.

and remember that CFL's dont give dense buds so keep those bulbs as close as possible to your plants. if its good for your hand its good for your plant.


Well-Known Member
Nice ty.
What i did was put 3 bulbs in, 2700 lumens

in the middle i put 6500k and on the outside i have 2600k

its all they had ;/ but that should do for flower and veg.
plants are already a few inches now, wont change lights again
want to avoid stress, thx for the responses