276W Bagseed Grow, So far awesome

I had another thread going but it seems like the initial page of broken links is driving people away =/.

Anyways, just got some bagseed from a bottle we've been collecting and gave it a shot. Currently week 8 (week 3-4) of flowering. Buds are coming in strong on all 3 plants!

Just using regular miracle grow organic soil for final transplant. Also running Flora Series nutes, alternating with regular water and 1/2 strength.

they are 23 watts. 3 plants total.

I started trimming off the branchs that don't have buds on the ends. how much of this do I do?


Well-Known Member
ur trimming the leaves on the branch not cutting off the branches right if so that alright dont over do it ull stress the plant. When i use to flower i would trim from bottom to top trimmed the whole plant,,, i dont know but it seems to not the stress the plant as much as weekly trimming and such.
Little update:

Girls are looking good. The 2 plants sharing a pot look like they are nearing there 2 week end, so I am going to start flushing.

I did run into a little issue, I think I've been overdoing it on the nutes and causing a calcium deficiency. What do you guys think?



Active Member
looks like its a little underwater. u say only 2 weeks left? how far into flowering are you?
About 7-8 weeks in to flowering

I'll water them every time i can stick my finger a an inch or so deep and not feel moisture.

The 2 plant pot look like they are close to being finished. Where as I'll agree with your skepticism on the bushy one with the 4 colas, that may have some more time to go.


Well-Known Member
looking good, i dont know if you have taken it into account or not but i have read on here frequently not to add the 1st week of 12/12 to your total flowering time as the plants adjusting