28 hour light cycle

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I would love to see side by side, but with the same plant, under the 2 different schedules. Top it to grow 2 of the same sized mainlined branches, and partition the tent so one half of plant is on one side, and one half on the other (on an alien planet that revolves in 28 hrs!).

Then, you could really get a good idea on how its working, without other variables such as setting up a whole new grow.

A grower on ICmag did the experiment, but kept the other half in veg, while one singled out large branch was flowered out. (pulled the branch through a slot in foam panel, and gave it 12/12) It worked perfectly, lol. Only grew buds on that branch.

Up until then (few years ago), other than the tinfoil around a node to determine sex trick, I would have considered it some kind of myth or something.

I've since always wanted to see how having multiple light schedules going on different branches at the same time would effect things... You could just keep a plant in veg forever, and only flower out big branches whenever you want... Things like that ;)


I use the updated ones:
View attachment 5214181

I used to modify the gear boxes in regular timers so they would spin faster/slower. You could set one to spin exactly 28hrs if you modded a single gear, i'm sure. Or 3d print a new one, etc.
Well that timer i sent is 15 bucks on amazon. 2 for 25. The only drawback is that you have to set it just a minute before you start, because the cycle starts immediately without delay. So if you ant your lights to turn on at 8 in the morning on friday to start a 28 hour cycle. You have start setting that timer at 7:59, and get it set up by 8..... roughly. It could end up a minute or 2 off, but whoop-de-do.


I would love to see side by side, but with the same plant, under the 2 different schedules. Top it to grow 2 of the same sized mainlined branches, and partition the tent so one half of plant is on one side, and one half on the other (on an alien planet that revolves in 28 hrs!).

Then, you could really get a good idea on how its working, without other variables such as setting up a whole new grow.

A grower on ICmag did the experiment, but kept the other half in veg, while one singled out large branch was flowered out. (pulled the branch through a slot in foam panel, and gave it 12/12) It worked perfectly, lol. Only grew buds on that branch.

Up until then (few years ago), other than the tinfoil around a node to determine sex trick, I would have considered it some kind of myth or something.

I've since always wanted to see how having multiple light schedules going on different branches at the same time would effect things... You could just keep a plant in veg forever, and only flower out big branches whenever you want... Things like that ;)
Oh interesting. That beats a clone test for sure, and finding the time to feed and water would be a breeze.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Its a Togoal T319 timer or something like that. It allows you to set up recurring cycles. Its asks you on time, then off time, and voila! You dont even have to set up a clock. Best of all, you can buy 2 on Amazon for like 25 bucks. Easy peasy.
I have one of those somewhere in my collection. I didn't think about setting multiple 14-hr programs. Can you set it for different times per each day of the week, rather than recurring each day, or do you just use a countdown setting?


Its the button j
I have one of those somewhere in my collection. I didn't think about setting multiple 14-hr programs. Can you set it for different times per each day of the week, rather than recurring each day, or do you just use a countdown setting?
Just to the left of minute. Hit it once and you set your "on" time. After that you hit that button again and you set your "off" time. Once that time is set, you hit the upper left button (forgive me i cant read the picture, but i remember the buttons to press). At that moment that you hit that button, the cycle begins. You cant delay the process, so you need to set it once you are ready to begin. But after that, you never have to touch it again. So my on time was set to 16 hours, and my off time was set to 12 hours.


These things have a week and 3 days left to mature. After that, ready or not, they have to be pulled. Im going out of town, and i never thought this would make an 8 week strain take 13 weeks. The crazy part is that my sativas are just as far along as my indicas. The 28 hour day does weird things. What im wondering is did the trichomes spend the extra few weeks producing more thc? All of the trichomes look almost snow white on the flowers. I cannot really find any amber ones anywhere. Its almost as if it stalled the more mature trichomes, and let the less mature ones catch up.


Well-Known Member
These things have a week and 3 days left to mature. After that, ready or not, they have to be pulled. Im going out of town, and i never thought this would make an 8 week strain take 13 weeks. The crazy part is that my sativas are just as far along as my indicas. The 28 hour day does weird things. What im wondering is did the trichomes spend the extra few weeks producing more thc? All of the trichomes look almost snow white on the flowers. I cannot really find any amber ones anywhere. Its almost as if it stalled the more mature trichomes, and let the less mature ones catch up.
Pics of plants


Pics of plants
Sorry the picture quality sucks. I litterally had to snap a picture real quick before the lights turned off. You might be able to see that the pistils are pretty close to the same in both plants. There are a lot of weird things that happen with a 28 hour day. I wish i could explore more, but the boss (my wife) says this is the last grow for awhile.


Hey man. As much as i like growing this stuff. I like sex much more. Besides, i dont even smoke it. I just love growing it! I know i sound like that guy that says, "I don't do cocaine, I just love the smell of it".


These things just keep getting more and more frosty. I think that is a sure fire way of knowing they are finally finishing up