296 Watt CFL White Widow & CA Hash Plant Grow


Well-Known Member
I started LST today but didn't get as much growth underneath as yours, check out my grow I finally got my journal up and running ;) Got some of the same widows as yours
hey man thats some nice lookin widow you got there. Where you get your nutes from? like can you get them at lowes or home depot?


Calyx LED
Thanks bro. I got the nutes at my local grocery store believe it or not... they work great. Got the Schultz Cactus for veg and African Violet for flowering. You can get this stuff from Lowe's. Home Depot doesn't carry much Schultz stuff...
hey man thats some nice lookin widow you got there. Where you get your nutes from? like can you get them at lowes or home depot?


Well-Known Member
Gotcha I wasn't sure if you were flowering all those plants or if that was your veg chamber. Hey what cloning method did you use? I'm using the plastic bag method right now. Clones were taken last night. I saw a bit of drooping not to much. I've seen much much worse on here.



Calyx LED
Gotcha I wasn't sure if you were flowering all those plants or if that was your veg chamber. Hey what cloning method did you use? I'm using the plastic bag method right now. Clones were taken last night. I saw a bit of drooping not to much. I've seen much much worse on here.

I ended up buying some Green Light Rooting Powder and stuck the cuttings after dipping into some jiffy pucks. Then into a little plastic greenhouse. They all rooted within 5 days. :mrgreen: The clones went right into the flowering area. I have a sealed cabinet on the right-hand side of the closet that all my veggers are in. It's about 2'x2'x5'. It's split into three levels. 54w CFL Lights each in the top two levels and the bottom is for all the electrical stuff for the room. Timers and whatnot.




Well-Known Member
nice man, cant wait, i like that lil self you got with the clones, if you use white trash bag, you can get some more light reflection