Well-Known Member
Does that shit work for you?oh i thought it was that bromo shit
ive been trippin on acid latly but it just aint the same cuz i teke lexapro and it dumbs it down
Does that shit work for you?oh i thought it was that bromo shit
ive been trippin on acid latly but it just aint the same cuz i teke lexapro and it dumbs it down
You have a great point about allocated funds to certain chemical projects... hmmm, where are thou rouge chemistPLease I am not trying to argue with you, but those schools do get grants from the goverments and dont think they dont know what they are doing... but ANYWAYS... yah i say bad batch for sure...People say pot kills... lol
THAT IS WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED?!?!?.. okay so you have a incredibly complex drug, like (LSD in the 60's/70's) that takes ton's of money, and probably..yah actually TON's of money to develop/research/test and it is just "released" into the environment...??? can you even comtimplate how much effort would go into making something so complex.. and then how you just let a couple ten's of thousands slip away(for 5 bucks a pop), I might add.hmmm, where are thou rouge chemist![]()
I see your point but I am bit confused by your message. If you explain it a little better with some examples and a illustrative demonstration of your conspiracy theory, I might just find this topic really, really profound!THAT IS WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED?!?!?.. okay so you have a incredibly complex drug, like (LSD in the 60's/70's) that takes ton's of money, and probably..yah actually TON's of money to develop/research/test and it is just "released" into the environment...??? can you even comtimplate how much effort would go into making something so complex.. and then how you just let a couple ten's of thousands slip away(for 5 bucks a pop), I might add.
Maybe if you taking lexapro... I would reduce all those pyschedelic quest. If you want to jeoperdize your sanity then be my guest!
isn't that the point of conspiracy examples... you CANT give examples...lolI see your point but I am bit confused by your message. If you explain it a little better with some examples and a illustrative demonstration of your conspiracy theory, I might just find this topic really, really profound!
OMG, i think i know you friend...dont feel bad wanna know somthing really fucked up?
i was too embarrased to post it in this forum when it happend about a month ago but fuck it
my idiot friend had to drive to Atlanta so he wakes up at 5am everyday anyway out of habit so I said he should just go when he wakes up and try to find shrooms to pick in all the pastures on his wa to ATL, hes done it before and gotten high many times
so finally this asshole shows up with this huge pickle jar I gave him to put the shrooms in, and I mean the biggest size pickle jar you can buy like 2 gallon
anyway this fool comes in with this jar filled with the hugest mushrooms i ever seen
i was very skepticale they were the right kind but he kept insisting they were and hes done it a thousand times bla bla
we read on the internet that 20 - 50 gram dose size should be taken if eating the shrooms fresh
so i told him he would be the guinie pig no sense both of us dieing over stupidty
anyway i could only wait like 30 min and was like fuck it and starting chowing down my bucket of shrooms,
long story short we both consumed a good 50 grams each
its was so nasty
and then nothing, no high nothing, we spent the rest of the night throwing up undigested shrooms
he still insists they were real just out of season
im just glad im not dead from that shit,![]()
I try to look out for everyones safety... it doesnt matter how much of a dumbass they are. They are still humans that need an eagles eye to keep awatch!That is for the best. ^^
To keep it simple without pulling up info. from the physicians desk reference.. you are mixing a psychoactive with a psychoactive... one is trying to regulate or maintain a certain nuerontransmitter and the other one being lsd or any other mind altering substance... they make nuerotransmitters flunctuate with dramatic change, therefore changing your scope on reality. By mixing the two you are defeating the purpose of lexapro and it could cause a massive relapse of sorts. You may not feel the effects now, but eventually things could spiral down for the worse!hey Mr. Danger
what about the lexapro and LSd mixing them together, I shouldnt do it anymore huh?
cuz normall back in the day i would hardly take one hit without losing my mind and now I take like 2 hits and im trippin but can still function very well.
it must be the lexi
To keep it simple without pulling up info. from the physicians desk reference.. you are mixing a psychoactive with a psychoactive... one is trying to regulate or maintain a certain nuerontransmitter and the other one being lsd or any other mind altering substance... they make nuerotransmitters flunctuate with dramatic change, therefore changing your scope on reality. By mixing the two you are defeating the purpose of lexapro and it could cause a massive relapse of sorts. You may not feel the effects now, but eventually things could spiral down for the worse!
I am glad that you found a drug remedy that works, some people who suffer from your illness still exhibit strong feelings of paranoia and anti-social behavior.cool gotit,
ya i need the lexapro without it i become an anti social hermit,
i used to use alcohal to medicate my problem cuz i would get so nervous in certian situations where I was trying to get somthing, like a job or a important meeting or getting laid
i would littlery take a fews shots before calling any new gurl or i would just nerviously flub it,
i would even guzzle straight liquir driving on my way to the first couple of dates of any gurl i was meeting for the first time
or i would get no play and make a complete fool of myself. one thing chicks do not dig is nerves
funny thing was as soon as I was drunk its was like clockwork pullin hoes,
i had to eventually quit smokin weed cuz the paranoia was just too much to handle, plus evey time i smoked i need a to drink to calm down and i was drinking was too much
i eventually bit the bullet and went the doc after i got married cuz of neviousness on business trips meeting important people to my work
cant take shots before those
but i thought i was just being a pussy all my life and tellin myself to suck it up. but now after being on this shit and realizing how it feels to have normal anxiety its the bees nees
i was playing with a handicap for the first 27 years of my lifeand im sure weed did not help the problem
but after i got cured i smoke like crazy again and it so great man,
cant say better things about that lexapro shit, but im on like 20mg per day so im loaded on that shit![]()
"SSRIs (like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Desyrel) or MAOIs (like Nardil, Parnate, Marplan, Eldepryl, Aurorex, Manerix) are fairly consistently reported to noticeably reduce the effects of LSD. MAOIs seem to cause a greater reduction in the effects of LSD than SSRIs."hey Mr. Danger
what about the lexapro and LSd mixing them together, I shouldnt do it anymore huh?
cuz normall back in the day i would hardly take one hit without losing my mind and now I take like 2 hits and im trippin but can still function very well.
it must be the lexi