2C-E dosage for first trip


Well-Known Member
I have taken 2c-e before but it was sold as acid so i'm not sure about dosage. I recently acquired 250 mg of pure 2c-e from a vendor and i'm going to dissolve it in 50ml of distilled water to achieve accurate doses. 5mg/ml.

Seeing as I'm not sure how much I took before, although i experienced strong synesthesia and OEVs, would 10mg be the best place to start? and if i wasn't really feeling it after 2 hours or more would it be ok to take another 5 mg maybe?


Well-Known Member
If you are somewhat sensitive to it (as it seems you are) 10mg would be a good starting place, if you feel nothing at all, I would only dose another 10mg. I am very resistant to it, so I need at least 40mg orally to have a really good time.