2lbs a Month Perpetual Harvest

I'm thinking I wanna pull 8-10 4oz plants in month, maybe in 2 harvest. So if I start 4-6 clones every 2 weeks I should be able to eventually hit what im looking for right?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking I wanna pull 8-10 4oz plants in month, maybe in 2 harvest. So if I start 4-6 clones every 2 weeks I should be able to eventually hit what im looking for right?
That is what I was going to suggest. If you are using clones and place them in flower at specific times you will have a perpetual grow. 4-6 oz. from a single plant shouldn't be too difficult. Assuming you know everything about that strain down to the T, and have room to put another 3-5 gal bucket in your flower room every other week...I don't see why you shouldn't be able to hit the goal you are talking about.

I see what your going for. . . And your probably just like me. You have this idea in your head and it sounds like it would work... so you post it here too get advice from more veteran growers.

My advise... and how I do things... if (in your mind) it sounds like it will work and its what you want to do... try it. You will eventually figure out exactly what you want to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
Since you have a limit ( I suffer from the same burden) grow bigger! You can DiY a clone of the constant current dwc system for about 1/3 the price of buying the setup. Need bigger buckets than 5 gal. But your yeilds will go up exponentially. Also a water chiller is a must!

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
You can always do it vertical man. Scrogging will take even more time, plus you want as Mich bud as possible, too much topping can decrease your yield. These guys pretty much summed it down. Have separate rooms going and make it a continuos cycle of work. Especially if your doing it for patients. Its doable bro. Go for it. I'm curious to know what type of nutes your going to run?