And since I am now guessing that the brownish spots were from a mag def I used 1/2 tsp epsom salts in a quart and foliar fed them as I gave them there first flood of the day, one plant was almost half size it was so folded in on itself(sorta shriveled up), and after leaving the nutes/h2o in the hydroton about 1/2 hr it perked back up immediately!
Now because 3 plants are just bare roots in hydroton,(edit: the ones I removed the rockwool from do still have small amounts of it close to the stem, I didn't dare start trying to pull it off there or i'd have surely pulled MORE roots)so they will hold a tad extra h2o than if they were just bare roots alone, right? I am going to have to water more often I am guessing, I am unsure how long hydroton holds moisture, but it should be longer now that they aren't blazing under the 1000 watter, seem to be healing themselves of problems in the fluorescent light, I have it about 2-3" above tops of plants (I can touch the bulbs when it's been running for hours so it doesn't put out the heat like the HIDs.)
Damn, IF I changed res every time the PH bounced up to 6.2, I'd be changing it every couple days, now your talking big money waste on nutes there, eh?
I make sure I look at my 3-way monitor above the res before every flood, but I am just NOT adding PH down, it has only drifted up to 6 so it's all good (before if it even went up to 5.9 i'd lower it back to 5.5)
This is what I mean by everyone having differing advice and opinions, someone told me early on to keep my PH at 5.5-5.6! Now hopefully the ones remaining in rockwool with catch up on root growth so the foliage can begin growing again..damn this "little setback" probably just costed me weeks, that is why it's so important to me to show problems very early on to hopefully avoid the delays and stunted growth, even with fem seeds I still may turn out hermies from the stress they have been through?
I sure hope not!
In other news, my newest seed order should be here within a few days, I am trying to decide what to add to the bubblegums and ice..I have 10 BIG BUD,10 Northern lights, 10 more bubblegums, 10 Crystal, 10 Ice, 10 white widow,and a newer strain, THC snow, plus 5 more fem bubbles from Nirvana they are sending because all from my last order didn't germ....think it's a hybrid, would reallly like to see this "hybrid vigor" they speak of!
And am wondering the best way to deal with planting them, since I have 50/50 chance of getting males, should I plant more than I plan on growing, maybe keep a male in a sep area if he shows outstanding qualities(I have this goal of making a new strain and naming it after my son, who was killed by a drunk driver out celebrating his 21st birthday) This new hobby has been very healing, plus it keeps my mind busy on learning new things all of the time, so it has really helped me deal with the grief.
Last round I wanted to germ them in a more/less sterile environment because I was moving them to rockwool, so I used half peat pots and half perlite (small experiment) and the ones I germed in the perlite ALL popped, and their roots were over an inch and a half longer at 4-5 days post germ than the ones in the expandible peat pots when I put them in rockwool...given the history of most of my roots wrapping the inner circle in the rockwool hole, how should I germ the next batch? I did order the 1" rockwool cubes, guess I can germ in them after the tap root comes out in perlite, just move them b4 the roots get too busy??
Any ideas/opinions?
Have a wonderful day all...