2nd attempt at guerilla growing......


Active Member
Yeppur. All FF products. Im only feeding them at 1/2 strength nutes the whole grow.
Usally I watered as so: W - N - W - N - W - N - W. with full strength nutes.
This time I did it like so: W - W - W - N - W - W - W - N. with half strength nutes.

Its all strain dependant. The SnSBB are nute sensative like the BSB.


Active Member
I was wrong about Dinafem. They do have great genetics. The DelaHazes are freaking vigorous as all-hell. I did take a cutting from the indica leaning pheno. Probably the Californian Lemon Skunk side of things. The other pheno was def the Mango Haze leaning pheno but I didnt take a cut of that one because the leaves were curling and dark green showing me that FFOF is too strong for that pheno.


Active Member
dinafems not bad.. but i noticed.. that dinafems blue widow is same exact strain as g13s blue venom which i think is saying alot u knwo?


Active Member
My nieghbor asked if I was near my plants yeterday because she seen someone walking near my ladies in the woods out back. WASNT ME!!!
I went dirsctly out back and cut them down and trashed the whole idea. It was an experiment anyways.... Just to see if thats what would happen and it did! Fucking nosey kids next door I bet. She said it was a smaller person not a cop but couldnt quite make out who it was as it was getting dark. Fuck it! Im moving after the winter anyways to a spot that I can have free range of the backyard with no neighbors period.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
lol Im just fuckin with you, youve said thread closed a couple times already. you can actually close it by checking the box in the lower left where you type in your message. better luck next time


Active Member
So my neighbor sees me wearing my green hat yesterday and says "OH! That was you outback. Thats the same hat I seen the person wearing."
So I chopped my plants down for nothing!?!?!?!? 4 lbs of Purps and a lb of Sn'SBB down the drain for NOTHING! ALL because she's a drunken-pill popping-idiot who doesnt know her ass from her elbow!!!!!!!! Im so depressed.