2nd attempt & first journal


Active Member
Hello all! This is my 2nd attempt to grow. My first was a disaster and I regrouped and am taking another stab. This is the scene:

Strains: Blueberry and White Russian fom Joey Weed, Ak-47 from Serious Seeds, and G-13 Labs Power Skunk and Pure Gold (those were free!!)

Light: Hortilux-Blue MH 1000w

Nutes:Earth Juice -organic baby!

Temp: 71-76

Humidity: 40-60

Medium: Amazon Bloom soil/ Happy Frog

Well im not too sure how to start but here it goes. I got 10 seeds each of the ak,bb,& wr. I got about 97% germ rate. (im not really gonna tap into the g-13 seeds b/c i dont think i am willing to spend to much energy on them, if they last till flower i will start babying them more.) Well after germ i had to knock off two of the BB b/c they were def not up to par with white russian and the ak. That is pretty much what happened to me last time and im not willing to spend to much energy on plants that seem to react that way. (last time i spent about 3-4 mos and endless effort trying to get those dam things to grow). So, right now the remaining BB and WR are on their 3rd week of veg and ak is one week behind. I water them bi-weekly and feed early in the week and water with tea i brew in the middle of the week. Right now only 1 of the BB looks really healthy the rest are drooping and a lil' yellow. The WR and AK are looking pretty good. Now i know BB is prolly not a good strain for beginners. OH! by the way YES i am being gentle on the BB i put them in either 100% HF or 50/50 HF/AB and feed them a lil less than the others, but still havin probs.

well i think that is it for now. thanks for the read!! :bigjoint:




Active Member
Its about 2.5 ft away. I had it closer but i noticed a lil bleaching so i lifted the light a lil. It also helped distribute the light better (i think). I tell you, this bulb kicks ass. i was using another mh from my last grow and it blew out. i ran out and got this to replace it and i swear the minute i plugged it in it seemed as though the plants loved it.!!


Active Member
Well i had some computer issues and haven't log my progress in a while. Here is me catching up...

The first pics are when the plants were about 2.5 weeks (i think) i had the ak 47s in smaller pots and then transplanted them into 3 gal pots. As seen in the next pics... i sprinkled a little mychorrizae in the transplant hole.




Active Member
Here is the garden now...about five weeks into veg. i am waiting for them to show sex. i had an incedent with the a/c exhaust and it got up to 84 in my room for who knows how long. i hope it didnt effect the female to male ratio. i also tried to top the blueberry and i topped one ak, just to see. im still not really sure if i did that right. once they show sex i think im gonna crop them a little bit and take clones from the healthiest girls. then wait a couple of weeks and put them into flower. if any of you guys have any suggestions i would like some input. oh and i did have something going on that looks like it is clearing up now and the bb is still giving me problems, but everything else looks solid!:mrgreen:

