2nd attempt is way better


Active Member
wolly do you have a thread going?
ok so here is an mini update for today didnt take any close ups of the girls but did get a group shot.
here is the rooted clone i went ahead and potted it today also

here is the group photo

and can anyone tell me what is causin this discolaration of the leaves this is cherry


Active Member
ok so last night i decided to water with nutes because i was thinking the discolaration on my leaves was lack of nitrogen. when i woke up this morning the girls were all droopy and layin over wilting so i flushed both of them throughly. around lunch when the lights went out they were lookin a lil better but still droopy so instead of giving them a rest period and to help dry out the soil i turned the lights back on and gave them no darkness this evening when i returned home they looked way better as if nothing had ever happened. so while checking on them i thought what the hell lets try some lst. so here is what i ended up with
this is pepper remember when i was wanting to top to get 6 tops well pepper has managed to show me 5 after lst take a look and see if you see them all.

and this is how tall she is now after lst

and this is cherry she now has the 6 tops i intended to get can you see them all?

and this is how tall she is after lst

here is a group photo and i may be pissing in the wind with the clone i potted yesterday but what the hell it has roots and its still green lol


Active Member
ok daily update the plants did very well today after there experimental lst. im not going to post pics for a few more days. i wanna be able to see the difference in a drastic way. also the plants grew so rapidly from the four main tops that the smaller ones i had uncovered with the lst have vanished again lol


Active Member
ok so here are the updated pics. i wanted to see a noticeable differance and i surely think you can. i am planning on transplanting into larger containers tonight.
a lil group photo

ok so here is the only surviving clone from the failed outdoor grow i am trying to come up with a name for her any good name ideas will be appreciated

here is pepper

and here is cherry

ok so here are the updated pics. i wanted to see a noticeable differance and i surely think you can. i am planning on transplanting into larger containers tonight.
a lil group photo

ok so here is the only surviving clone from the failed outdoor grow i am trying to come up with a name for her any good name ideas will be appreciated

here is pepper

and here is cherry

:leaf:nice grow joinin a little late but her i am :leaf:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
those progressed fast
nice job the cherry is lookin great
they all look great
+rep on the soda idea


Active Member
thank you fried i appreciate it when someone takes the time to comment it makes me feel like they are not only interesting to me.

ok so here is the update after i transplanted this evening.
i used large square buckets that are sold with laundry detergent in them. i washed them good and drilled drain holes in the bottom

here is pepper after she was unpotted check out her roots hope i didnt wait to long to upgrade the living quarters

here is a picture of pepper from underneath

here is a picture of cherry right before she gets her eviction notice lol

here is a picture of cherrys roots after being unpotted

a picture of cherry from underneath

here are the girls on the porch after a watered them in thoroughly.

here is pepper in her new home after lst

here is cherry in her new home after lst

and here is a group photo


Active Member
thanks everyone i appreciate all the feedback. i am in the process of building a dwc cloner so i can get this cloning shit down pat. and also picking up some more y adapters as this cabinet wil be the flower chamber the mom and veg are also in the process of being setup.


yyeeaaahh! i love the way they turned out. look'n great. cant wait to see how they start looking as them roots like the extra room.


allow me to introduce myself. im a friend of nitroman's. just wanted to give a shout out to everyone. i've been checking out the site for a while. sorry for the delay on registering.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
allow me to introduce myself. im a friend of nitroman's. just wanted to give a shout out to everyone. i've been checking out the site for a while. sorry for the delay on registering.
like a literal friend
u 2 know each other on a personal level?