black jesus
Well-Known Member organic fertilizer 4-4-4&espv=2&biw=914&bih=456&dpr=1.75&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=zGKfVfaAMIiGyQTHjIJA.1436508908342.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX9CQaQt6D0clOaBfA6a8CgRjMwmnJiSFmWllysOOtuzv6DimU4QGHvjJ8JuvcODSlTRG1f5BnVshoMPYdUV-_zL8gEqAubb5pvaWhiDijTKYSS6vMRIZAFPVH72Pg-W6RlT1_UhcYnG6UG8iqZxixQ&ved=0CEgQpis&ei=-GKfVfaLDte3yASa_6X4Dg
they sell this at lowes it's really cheap , smells like booty .... damn good stuff and its kinda time release also feed a little and water it in .... pretty simple ..... i know you were saying you wanted to get away from nutes ..... this stuff feed's the soil and the plant
So remember the plant that had a little friend growing with it. So today I said let me check on that. Good thing I did. Turns out it was a lil fucking devil. Full of sacs just ready to open. That shit is crazy....pulled it out