2nd auto grow. Pinkie pie x think different

https://www.google.com/shopping/product/5645427521837998381?q=jobes organic fertilizer 4-4-4&espv=2&biw=914&bih=456&dpr=1.75&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=zGKfVfaAMIiGyQTHjIJA.1436508908342.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX9CQaQt6D0clOaBfA6a8CgRjMwmnJiSFmWllysOOtuzv6DimU4QGHvjJ8JuvcODSlTRG1f5BnVshoMPYdUV-_zL8gEqAubb5pvaWhiDijTKYSS6vMRIZAFPVH72Pg-W6RlT1_UhcYnG6UG8iqZxixQ&ved=0CEgQpis&ei=-GKfVfaLDte3yASa_6X4Dg

they sell this at lowes it's really cheap , smells like booty .... damn good stuff and its kinda time release also ......top feed a little and water it in .... pretty simple ..... i know you were saying you wanted to get away from nutes ..... this stuff feed's the soil and the plant

So remember the plant that had a little friend growing with it. So today I said let me check on that. Good thing I did. Turns out it was a lil fucking devil. Full of sacs just ready to open. That shit is crazy....pulled it out image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
That's why I've been light on them. But now they showing they want more. Which means they might want to go shorter then I planned. He I can get them to go the distance I know I can get them fat
they look good man .... i would just let them do their thing the lower burns could be all kinds of things doesnt look too bad to be honest
so feed them the same thing.... I gave them 1 tsp of tiger bloom and big bloom and 1/4 of grow big for the last feed. Very light
Yeah I feel better about this run. I learn a lot off the last one. But also I was fight that crappy bag of happy frog. Too many bugs. This batch is much better. If I had a smoker I would cook that shit....
you should add a bag of garden lime to your collection i usually assume its a PH thing when i see the lower leaves like that and just top dress some lime ..... dont know if it actually helps or not but its just what i do
see this is one of the ww xxl cross pinkie pies its right around the same age as yours
this one is like cookie cutter to some of the pinkie pie's ive grown so far , fingers crossed for purple buds ;)
i did pinch it twice so maybe thats why its taking longer .... its in miracle grow organic soil with some perlite mixed in .... only fed it once and not a bad leaf on it ...... this one is happy with just what ever you give it


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that miracle gro organic isnt that bad at all just need perlite ...... one complaint ...... the bag i got had F'n fire ants in it
that miracle gro organic isnt that bad at all just need perlite ...... one complaint ...... the bag i got had F'n fire ants in it
Fire ants? Yeah I would lose my fucking mind. Yeah the ph being off is a good possibility since I'm using tap water.

If I use bottle water what should I get? Not sure what would have a good ph. It's getting worst from what I can tell and that will cut my yield down if not fixed ASAP