2nd auto grow. Pinkie pie x think different

Oh besides the cs I do have a sour60 that I found out it's a male today...I will give them sometime. If the s60 don't take off I want use it... 2 bad parents will make some fucked up kids
the male can go outside in low light and it will still make pollen
@bf80255 so no color change. i guessing its a temp thing. plus ive been running at 24 hours also... either way the pink is not showing. what would you do to try to enhance that? i have a lil one i have in my grow box that has been stunted like crazy... im going to see if it gets a lil bigger and try to get seeds off it....most likey not its on week who knows and is only 2 inches lol
the colors changed 2-3 weeks into flower for me ... or instantly almost after pollination
the male can go outside in low light and it will still make pollen
Yeah I know for the male. But it's not the route I wanted to take at all. I want fem seeds just to to save space...if I had a lot of space I wouldn't care...but the house might work. But still don't want to mess with males...I will do the cross if I can just to have it. Never know they might be some hitters....the s60 was some good.....
Ok today is week 7. All I get is funk. Now that I sat down for a min. I can say that the cross has a unriped mango smell....not musty but old basement but sweet... Like walking thur a forest in the early morning...

Feed the ladies today...messed up and gave to much grow big....was suppose to be 1/2 tsp per gallon but did 1. The second gallon I didn't add any so that should even out....

2 tsp tiger bloom. 1 tsp big bloom. 1/2 tsp grow big....

Let's see if that will keep them in the game a bit longer...no solid yellow hairs yet. So maybe I can get to week 10-11... I hope so
i don't have any cs now but I have rods and everything to make it....my last run on seeds was crap. But when I chopped both plants down they were making them. Just being outside in a very low light condition fucked it up
probably too late to make and apply then, the S60 male sounds like a good candidate at this point.
@bf80255 i was thinking about giving a strain called somango a run...they are pretty cheap... Would love to give a blueberry auto a run...I have to check the prices. I just need about 3. I will try to do a seed run. This grow will be my last grow here I think...the in laws have really been searching for a house so we should be be moving in their old house soon

Somango from SOMA seeds? those are actually kind of pricey imo lol but the breeder Soma has some really really nice strains like amnesia,rockbud, lavender and.... somango haha Id say go for it that should be some straight flame that comes from those beans!

I dont wanna hate but I thought id add even though I like his strains he ripped off other peoples work and just put his name on some stuff, like youll notice he uses Big Skunk Korean in a lot of his crosses, thats not his...

he also likes to use Rodelization to make fems which IMVHO is fucking retarded

oh really? so you moving to a bigger spot now?
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Somango from SOMA seeds? those are actually kind of pricey imo lol but the breeder Soma has some really really nice strains like amnesia,rockbud, lavender and.... somango haha Id say go for it that should be some straight flame that comes from those beans!

I dont wanna hate but I thought id add even though I like his strains he ripped off other peoples work and just put his name on some stuff, like youll notice he uses Big Skunk Korean in a lot of his crosses, thats not his...

he also likes to use Rodelization to make fems which IMVHO is fucking retarded

oh really? so you moving to a bigger spot now?
Rodeliation? Isn't that a stress that you allow a plant to do itself...I would rather spray since the action wouldn't be printed in the genes...

The somango I was talking about is way diff. And cheaper... Makes me think twice now


Don't think I want it now... The one I was looking at is a knock off.
Yeah this 1 bedroom apartment was always just a temp thing til the in-laws saved up a bit... 3 bedroom 2 bath... Just me and my girl. No kids or anything...2 car garage...But it's still the in-laws so can't just take a room and grow...they cool but not down with the lifestyle. Asked both of them they said they have never smoked.im proud of them lol...

So in the garage I will be building a grow box I guess similar to a bc northern light...but much bigger. Want it to look like a work shop desk...
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Rodeliation? Isn't that a stress that you allow a plant to do itself...I would rather spray since the action wouldn't be printed in the genes...

The somango I was talking about is way diff. And cheaper... Makes me think twice now


Don't think I want it now... The one I was looking at is a knock off.
Yeah this 1 bedroom apartment was always just a temp thing til the in-laws saved up a bit... 3 bedroom 2 bath... Just me and my girl. No kids or anything...2 car garage...But it's still the in-laws so can't just take a room and grow...they cool but not down with the lifestyle. Asked both of them they said they have never smoked.im proud of them lol...

So in the garage I will be building a grow box I guess similar to a bc northern light...but much bigger. Want it to look like a work shop desk...

yessir thats the method! lol
with CS the plant has balls (because of the chemicals) but genetically its still a girl
with rodelization your using a hermi to make seeds...... genetically its a hermi

wow so someone completely ripped off somas somango??? it has his name in the title!!! lmao WTF!?!
who was selling that other somango? just curious.

ohhh I see now, Advanced Autos just worked Somango into an autoflower its not a knockoff perse' just an auto version of somas strain (soma doesnt make autos)

damn, thats legit! congrats!
but those extra rooms are going to be taunting you every time you walk past them haha jk ;)
are you going to make it hydro like the BC box or stick with soil?
separate chambers? CO2 injection? how will you ventilate it?

sorry for all the questions this just sounds like a really fun build to me.
are you going to make it hydro like the BC box or stick with soil?
separate chambers? CO2 injection? how will you ventilate it?

sorry for all the questions this just sounds like a really fun build to me.
Naw I'm going to keep it super simple...just soil....just one big box. And I'm thinking DIY led for the heat....the vent will be coming out the back and into the wall up to the roof out the attic...
Since the box will be against the wall that will be simple...the hard part is going to be finding a fan that can pull that with no issues...plus I have the muffler...put that in a box zero noise....

If it comes down to it and the LEDs are a pain...I will see about running maybe 2 150 watt hps in 2 cool tubes connected
Oh and trust and believe we rocking them outside...I want to throw a batch out by February since we don't really have a winter out here...shit might be able to do something in December just block the rain
dam near sounds like a master cylinder its a ford ? im a ok mechanic ... i have very little experience with fords though ive only owned a few fox bodies
Took it to les Schwann to get it looked at...the cost is only $395... So I'm gonna do it since when I priced parts I was looking at the same price

They are replace everything On the brakes..they didn't say anything was wrong with the master cylinder...
Yeah I know for the male. But it's not the route I wanted to take at all. I want fem seeds just to to save space...if I had a lot of space I wouldn't care...but the house might work. But still don't want to mess with males...I will do the cross if I can just to have it. Never know they might be some hitters....the s60 was some good.....
even if you make a few regs by just painting one branch ..... you would have a larger selection when you decided to run a fem batch ..... you want as much diversity as you can get so your selection isnt forced but chosen
are you going to make it hydro like the BC box or stick with soil?
separate chambers? CO2 injection? how will you ventilate it?

sorry for all the questions this just sounds like a really fun build to me.
My main focus is zero light leaks which is simple...low heat and no smell.....wish me luck lol....
yessir thats the method! lol
with CS the plant has balls (because of the chemicals) but genetically its still a girl
with rodelization your using a hermi to make seeds...... genetically its a hermi

I agree that "Rodelization" is a terrible breeding technique/practice. I wouldn't use any seeds created from a hermie, for anything other than for bud to consume (at risk that it will hermie and be seeded too). If you use them. and they do end up causing hermie problems in your future generations, you'll have wasted so much time that could've been used more productively.

My main focus is zero light leaks which is simple...low heat and no smell.....wish me luck lol....
Why are you so worried about light leaks? Stable auto's don't seem to mind them very much at all.
even if you make a few regs by just painting one branch ..... you would have a larger selection when you decided to run a fem batch ..... you want as much diversity as you can get so your selection isnt forced but chosen
well I still have 2 retardant plants...and I don't know when they s60 will open up....

Got a got question? If the plants are 9 week plants...could I still pollinate them at 8-9 weeks...

Come on now that's a good question lol
I agree that "Rodelization" is a terrible breeding technique/practice. I wouldn't use any seeds created from a hermie, for anything other than for bud to consume (at risk that it will hermie and be seeded too). If you use them. and they do end up causing hermie problems in your future generations, you'll have wasted so much time that could've been used more productively.

Why are you so worried about light leaks? Stable auto's don't seem to mind them very much at all.
No light leaks out of the box...even in a whole house I will be still in a small space just cuz I can't do want I want