2nd closet grow, looking for some input!! lots of pics


Active Member
sooooooo here we go again, this being my second grow (although my first was with autoflowers) 4 plants all about 7 or 8 inches tall now but i do have a couple questions, and feel free to let me know what ya think

1. should i start them on some fertilizer yet?
2. how long can i keep them in the current pots?
3. when should i add side lighting?

here are some pictures, feel free to ask me questions and comment on my setup any help is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
those are the fucking healthiest plants I've seen in a while, damn there beautiful. great job man. sorry no input but damn those are sexy


Active Member
am i all alone??????????? haha well got some pictures with questions....should i be worried about the purpleish color in some spots (as pictured)???
i think that is pretty normal, with most strains. but it could be a little N diff. i would try a high in N fert at half strength next water.


Well-Known Member
They look amazing man, hey quick question, what are those light fixtures? where did you get them. I have a very simular setup currently and I would like to get ahold of those ones ya got :D would make my life easier! Tynx man, GL and happy growing :)


Active Member
sooooooo here we go again, this being my second grow (although my first was with autoflowers) 4 plants all about 7 or 8 inches tall now but i do have a couple questions, and feel free to let me know what ya think

1. should i start them on some fertilizer yet?
2. how long can i keep them in the current pots?
3. when should i add side lighting?

here are some pictures, feel free to ask me questions and comment on my setup any help is appreciated!
sweet brudda! hey how far along are they? I think me and you are almost on the same schedule and this is my second grow too! I am at 5 weeks from planted in soil (from seed). I started nutes a week ago (I heard 4 weeks is the earliest you should start) and my pots are almost exactly the same size! on my last grow I removed them from the size pots you have at about right where your plants are at now. seriously they might get rootbound in another few weeks. for an indoor with so much sativa characteristics I would get at least a 2.5 gallon pot for each. I got short bubblegums and afghans so mine go into a 1.5 gallon after the 2 quart ones but I also do that to restrct height. you dont wanna do that so much in your case. well heres some pics of mine to compare. we should keep track of each others grows being that they are so close together. two potheads are better than one! :weed:



Well-Known Member
Hey man you plants are lookin great! well to answer some of your questions I believe the purple in the stem is ok many plants have some. Well if I was u I would begin nutes when plants show first signs of underfeeding like a lighter tone of green for their leaves.... But if you plan to transplant that would not be necessary infact it is exaggerating if your extra soil is nutrient rich and there are many ways to make such soil! On the other hand i think transplanting is also not necessary... if your watering schedule was fine the plants are nowhere near rootbound... and those pots would be sufficient for them to grow triple te size they are now... But in the end its your choice!!! will be waching this


Active Member
They look amazing man, hey quick question, what are those light fixtures? where did you get them. I have a very simular setup currently and I would like to get ahold of those ones ya got :D would make my life easier! Tynx man, GL and happy growing :)
HAHA those are definitely a great way to hang a lot of cfls in a row aren't they?? ok so i found them at a second hand hardware store for like 3 bucks a piece, they are the fixtures typically seen above the mirror in your bathroom, just long fixtures i've got one with 4 sockets and 2 with 6 sockets but i know they make em longer as well.


Active Member
sweet brudda! hey how far along are they? I think me and you are almost on the same schedule and this is my second grow too! I am at 5 weeks from planted in soil (from seed). I started nutes a week ago (I heard 4 weeks is the earliest you should start) and my pots are almost exactly the same size! on my last grow I removed them from the size pots you have at about right where your plants are at now. seriously they might get rootbound in another few weeks. for an indoor with so much sativa characteristics I would get at least a 2.5 gallon pot for each. I got short bubblegums and afghans so mine go into a 1.5 gallon after the 2 quart ones but I also do that to restrct height. you dont wanna do that so much in your case. well heres some pics of mine to compare. we should keep track of each others grows being that they are so close together. two potheads are better than one! :weed:
thanks bro your plants look mighty nice as well props to that and cheers to second grows haha. so today i'm gonna feed em some nutes for the first time i just gotta make a trip to the store for some ph up since the nutes drop it so low then i'll get to feedin...at some point next week i'll be transplanting them i think they're gettin to that point because i started em in 16 oz party cups and they had a great root system when i transplanted them to these pots so i'm assuming that continued. i'll definitely check your grow out as well, i'm gonna put mine into flower at about 45 cm or so i'm thinkin how about you???? by the way mine are somewhere between 4 and 5 weeks from sprout, i just forgot the exact day i saw sprouts....haha:joint:


Active Member
Hey man you plants are lookin great! well to answer some of your questions I believe the purple in the stem is ok many plants have some. Well if I was u I would begin nutes when plants show first signs of underfeeding like a lighter tone of green for their leaves.... But if you plan to transplant that would not be necessary infact it is exaggerating if your extra soil is nutrient rich and there are many ways to make such soil! On the other hand i think transplanting is also not necessary... if your watering schedule was fine the plants are nowhere near rootbound... and those pots would be sufficient for them to grow triple te size they are now... But in the end its your choice!!! will be waching this
thanks for the input but i am worried about them getting rootbound in the pots they are in more for the reason that the pots aren't super tall so those roots are probably already wrappin that shit haha....stay tuned they'll be going into flowering within the next couple weeks


nice setup looks like you got a ton of cfls close to them good shit


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input but i am worried about them getting rootbound in the pots they are in more for the reason that the pots aren't super tall so those roots are probably already wrappin that shit haha....stay tuned they'll be going into flowering within the next couple weeks
Thought you already started flowering! Man those are gonna get huge! And they are gonna need many many cfls... you know they can double while flowering and sometimes more?


Active Member
thanks bro your plants look mighty nice as well props to that and cheers to second grows haha. so today i'm gonna feed em some nutes for the first time i just gotta make a trip to the store for some ph up since the nutes drop it so low then i'll get to feedin...at some point next week i'll be transplanting them i think they're gettin to that point because i started em in 16 oz party cups and they had a great root system when i transplanted them to these pots so i'm assuming that continued. i'll definitely check your grow out as well, i'm gonna put mine into flower at about 45 cm or so i'm thinkin how about you???? by the way mine are somewhere between 4 and 5 weeks from sprout, i just forgot the exact day i saw sprouts....haha:joint:
I start mine in solo cups too. and I put sandwich baggies over the cups to maintain 100 percent humidity till they break soil. transplanting from the cups is so easy too. uhhh before I ramble too long here is a pic of the buckets I picked up from the hydro store today. they are 7 quarts (1.75 gallons roughly) and cost about 2 bucks each including the bottom water trays. I searched all over trying to find good planters but the hardware stores only carried short, wide, form over function crap. these are not too wide but nice and tall cause cannabis taproots like to dive deep. these should last the rest of my grow. something similar would suit you setup just fine I think. and as far as flowering goes, I usually wait in veg till I see preflowers before I kick it into 12/12, mostly to bulk up as much as possible, but mine are mostly indica and dont shoot up much during flower. from the looks of yours you will probably grow 2 to 3 times size when you switch to flower so half a meter (around 50cm) sounds just right. I'm gonna put some pics on my grow journal of the transplant later so keep your bananas peeled cheeky monkey!:peace:



Active Member
I start mine in solo cups too. and I put sandwich baggies over the cups to maintain 100 percent humidity till they break soil. transplanting from the cups is so easy too. uhhh before I ramble too long here is a pic of the buckets I picked up from the hydro store today. they are 7 quarts (1.75 gallons roughly) and cost about 2 bucks each including the bottom water trays. I searched all over trying to find good planters but the hardware stores only carried short, wide, form over function crap. these are not too wide but nice and tall cause cannabis taproots like to dive deep. these should last the rest of my grow. something similar would suit you setup just fine I think. and as far as flowering goes, I usually wait in veg till I see preflowers before I kick it into 12/12, mostly to bulk up as much as possible, but mine are mostly indica and dont shoot up much during flower. from the looks of yours you will probably grow 2 to 3 times size when you switch to flower so half a meter (around 50cm) sounds just right. I'm gonna put some pics on my grow journal of the transplant later so keep your bananas peeled cheeky monkey!:peace:
Yeah that sounds great i'll be transplanting whenever i can find the time this week as well as starting flowering so we'll see, i'm excited!

w@ke & b@ke 10

Active Member
d00d thats shitty 3 or the 4 were male, your female looks pretty fuckin good tho, props. btw how much were your cfl hood/socket boards? they look like ones that hang on a wall in a bathroom or somthing and how easy are they to rig up, im pretty interested in that set up and im looking to switch to somthing like that