2nd Crop of NYPD


Well-Known Member
hey all, here are pics of my second crop of Nirvana NYPD. these were clones off plants of my first crop. I took clones from these to get a third crop. how many generations down the line can i clone before crop is not good. or can i keep cloneing from each generation forever???



Well-Known Member
My Blue Skunk strain all started with one female, about 3 years ago. Must be on about the 10th gen by now and I notice no difference other than how long I let them flower. If anything she's improved, my last harvest was the best one yet yield wise.

If you think about it, it's a genetically identical plant.



Well-Known Member
i think my problem is when i go through that many generations of one strain i get sick of it.. i grow for me not for $$


Well-Known Member
yes i grow for me not profit as well. here is final tally after drying. 4.29 ounces. its cureing now and i think i will lose a little more weight. hopefully not to much. hope it smokes well......

View attachment 2272728 bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i think my problem is when i go through that many generations of one strain i get sick of it.. i grow for me not for $$
Ya I know what you mean, just added 2 strains recently because of that. It's a lot more complicated keeping everything organized but it's worth it. ;)

I found that you can vary it a little but changing flowering time, 8wks , then 10, then 8, then 10. Sort of thing, going to depend on the strain, my blue skunk is done just right at 8 weeks and well done at 10.
