2nd grow, 150W HPS cabinet, bagseed & Clones


Well-Known Member
So I'm just startin my second grow, the first full blown go at it! The last one went through a ton of trouble, and heat, and a ton of other things...pretty much an abortion that turned out haha. It was grown under 2 23w CFL's for it's entire life



Anyhow...I hope to do much better this time! I have a small box to grow in: 22" wide, 11" deep and 31" of grow height under the light. Gunna do my best to maximize that space through LST/screen or something similar. I also put a peice of lexan between the light and plants with fans on it, to act similar to a cool tube so the heat from the lights never gets to the plants. Right now I have 7 bagseeds going, 5 sprouted so far. I also have 2 clones from the club, Super Silver Haze and Romulan. They are going to be short veg time, and we'll go from there. I'm sure I'll end up with a few males from the bagseen so I'll be keeping my eyes on them for sure. Also, I know the clear containers for the seedlings is bad, they will be transferred soon! And sorry the pic quality is crap, phone cant handle the light and the digital isn't charged...gotta get the charger.


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks man. It actually yielded like 2/3oz, and wasnt more than like 4" tall with the LST I did. It kept the entire plant within like 2" of the lights I had up pretty much, so it worked really well.

I think this HPS is going to be badass though, with the lexan placed I can get them to about 4-5" away, and they all seem to be loving it so far including the seedlings! I'll snap some pics today to show you guys, the 5 seedlings are super happy, all are standing up nice and tall now!


Well-Known Member
Got more pics! Things are doing great, it looks like I have 1 or 2 seeds that are going to be way runted, they'll probably get tossed, but the others are niiiiice and healthy. The clones seemed to be getting a little heat stressed, but thats fully reasonable with them being about 4-5" from the 150W HPS. Though thelexan seperates them, I put the clones off to the side of the box a little bit to get em away from the light a little more, see how they react. The new growth on them is suuuper tightly spaced and looking great though!



Well-Known Member
Hmmm I just did some inspecting and saw something unexpected...

To start it off, I noticed when I got home that the Romulan had a few white hairs on it when I got it. I'm guessing they sexed it before I got it or something. Anyways I've been running the box on 24/0 just to see how everything goes, and to bring the romulan back into veg. Well I found some new hairs on the new growth so it looks like it wants to stay flowering, even on 24/0. I'm not mad as these guys weren't gunna be waiting too long before flowering anyways. So it'll be curious to see how well it produces! The node spacing is lookin fantastic, should be some dense bud hopefully!


Well-Known Member
Well, the ladies (fingers crossed on the seedlings) are lookin great! I have some new pics as well. The seedlings are exploding all of a sudden, I'm lovin it. I transplanted them just after these pics because I saw a root touching the side of the clear containers...no bueno. Also transplanted the flowering Romulan into a bigger container, it's roots were all over the bottom of the party cup.

So the pics are:
1) Flowering Romulan next to a water bottle, I started a minor LST today so I can get better light coverage on it. It's still getting 24/0 light so it's crazy that it's flowering! It's a clone...unless it's the clone of an autoflower?
2) Romulan in the foreground with Super Silver Haze behind it
3) Super Silver Haze. Not quite as desnly packed as the romulan, but I bet that's from the flowering
4) All my seedlings, the 2 empty cups are duds and I threw them out after the pic also. Seedlings are doing AWESOME!




Well-Known Member
So I had to do some more playing with the Romulan today. I can't BELIEVE how happy she is. She responded incredibly to the lst/transplant and exploded with new growths. I have more tops than I know what to do with at the moment. I have like 6 verticals going to be new colas on this 12" long plant haha. I LOVE IT!IMG_0817.jpgIMG_0815.jpgIMG_0814.jpgIMG_0818.jpg

