2nd grow attempt


Well-Known Member
so this is my 2nd batch, but my first time starting from seeds. I started with 11 seeds, and ended with only 3 :( 6 turned out to be male, and then 1 just died for no reason at all. seeds were from bag of big bud that I got at a medical store, that might account for some of the issues that I've had.

I'm about 10 days into flower. These suckers are gona get huge I can't wait!


Floranova Grow
Floranova Bloom
Floralicious Plus
Liquid Koolbloom



Active Member
Did most of yer growth occur within the 10 days of flowe or during last month of veg? those stalk are so f*in thick man


Well-Known Member
it was about 2 months from seed to when I started flower. All the growth started prolly about the last 3 weeks in the veg room


Well-Known Member
its a large Adjust-A-Wing attached to a 1000w Lumatek dimmable ballast. yeah I was thinking to lower it a tiny bit.


Well-Known Member
I've got my K's about 8 inches above my plants, give or take. My girls are only bout a week older


Active Member
Lookin good! I would def lower the lights a bit it will help! With bagseed you never know what you are going to get. Sometimes you get a great production rate and no males other times you get tons. Stress can have a lot to do with it and some strains are just harder to grow. Good Luck with what you got though they are pretty!


Well-Known Member
They look great! Considering where you got the seeds, I would keep a sharp eye throughout flowering for any bananas that might pop up.


Well-Known Member
just hit week 5 flower today... a few leaves are withering/dying :( not much that can be done I guess

3 more weeks!!!!!! so excited



Well-Known Member
how much bigger you think the buds will get in the next 3 weeks? they are already pretty big IMO right now lol


Well-Known Member
Well hopefully they'll get pretty dam big.. they look really nice now. I can't wait to see them in 3 weeks. how many watts is your hps?


Active Member
Lookin awesome!! Good job there. Also - with the bare stalks at the bottom.. Did you clip all the branches off purposely to kinda lollipop it? I think I'll be doing something similar with my next ones just to keep it easier to maintain.


Well-Known Member
yeah I trimmed the bottom few branches off on purpose. and the top most ones that were cut I used for clones. I prolly trimmed too much off, but I like having more airflow like this. I'm noob, so I dono if it's good or bad to do


Well-Known Member
well it looks like you're doing a great job.. especially for a noob!! i wouldn't say they are over trimmed, it looks like the buds have really good air/light exposure