2nd grow Bag seed *blizzard*

if they are a kush strain is it true that they work well for a sog grow? I was also wondering if they preflower can you still clone them?
looking good kaya, you shouldnt worry if the plants are preflower

when are you going to lollipop? i want before and after pics.

you are looking good, i still say you go hydro tho!!!
ok so these are the best ones i have and the plant in the back of the sec pic is not from this planting that is from the other lournal i have right now. mama:) is her name but the ones in the front are them and the othter one is a few weeks ago.i got four out of seven females.


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didnt get any whole plant pics this time i wanted to show off the crystal production these things got going on.

I never had the cance to tataly lolipop them it takes alot of balls to cut that much off a plant. My last round gave me alot of hermies and males so i have some room to just let them be a bit bigger. I did take a bunch at least liike five layers off the bottom of each they got tall excet for the first pic i think she is like a foot and the other two are two feet tall!


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wow kaya you are getting better with every grow i have a lot of reading i need to do lol. i love your plants everyone of them awsome job.
hi kaya, looking good so far, didnt know that you had started a new journal lol. keep up the good work.

Nice growing Kaya. Your plants look very nice and healthy and I love those nice big pots you have those girls growing it.:)
They are happy plants.

Thanks everyone!!!

im a little ticked off cause none of my post are showing right now????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
well they are not great wish you guys could see the sugar on these, glad i named them blizzard cause they remind me of a snowy mountain.

out of seven i got four females three that are a few weeks in and one that i clones a bunch and just went into the bud box. One is very short and never had a growth spurt going into the bud box, the other two are giants for one gallon pots they grow in. I am on three days of no water and the bottom of the pots are still quite wet?


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i meant the pics arnt good................. the plants are great


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they have a real serious smell, i just cant get over the sugar!!! thanks bong glad you checked in!!! did you see my new chicks?