2nd grow, Big Bud Feminized


Active Member
well I not certain if it was the right time to do this but I did it anyways on one of the plants. I toped it with the hope that division will take place and I will get 2 top colas.


Active Member
I also added .5 grams of pure potash to 1 quart of water, and watered them with it I believe I will do this for the next month and flush for the last 2 weeks with water a mossalas


Active Member
yea but finding high power leds cheap are not easy. cheapest I have found for 5mm 472nm (precision blue spec) were $0.66 a piece, add the cost for making the ballast and I am pushing 80 bucks to make just one, not counting myself as labor.


Active Member
Ok little update. The large of the two plants started to produce balls, now he is dead. but the other has about 12 or so hairs between various nodes at the top, The hairs are a whitish gray all in pairs, yet I still have no alternating nodes.


Well-Known Member
I think they only alternate nodes when they've matured on their own. I think forced flowering can happen without it. Congrats on the female


Active Member
Ok so I havent posted any pics a lil while. Today is my birthday I am 22, and its day 16 of flowering for my little girl. I think next time I will top during the veg stage to try and prevent the streching, which she did even though the light was always within 2inchs of her.



Active Member
Wow you guys should see how harry this bitch is getting, she is starting to look very much like barneys farms LSD.


Active Member
ok some bad news, I really hope this doesnt kill her. I op got canceled because someone who shouldnt know started to get to suspisious. so I placed her out in the woods. It is still mid summer and pretty hot out, she was always hot in the box though, 85 to 90 with the lights on. I covered her and the surounding areas in the woods with DE to try and rid the area of some bugs and sprayed all the bushs around her with homeaide bug killer but no on her. How often should I water her outside because I only watered her once ever three days inside, but I have a tamato plant on my front porch I water twice a day otherwise she withers to the ground. This is day 22 of flowering and she is already covered in wonderful clusters of hairs. Being outside right now she will receive about 13/11 hours of sunlight as apposed to the 12/12 I had her will this throw off her yield any? I thought about one thing though since I was only giving her 350 watts eq with the cfls would she grow allot larger during her time outdoors because of the lumen increase.


Active Member
A month and 5 days of flowering now, the whole time she has been in flowering she has smelled like pine on her leaves and then about a week ago she smelled like teriyaki chicken "lol I thought I have some chinese weed or something" but now she is starting to developed a much stronger skunkie smell, but you only smell the skunkie at a distance, but when you have your nose in the bud she still smells of pine and citrus.


Active Member
Ok so noone has checked my girl out in a while, I have a couple pics of her after about 40 days of flowering. tell me what you think, when is the best time to harvest?sorry the pictures are very clear, they were taken with a cell phone.



Active Member
looking good. the best time to harvest is when you feel shes at the end of her life. Or if your a trichrome guy. wait till most have turned amber.


Active Member
its nice to get some feedback.This is the first plant I have had that has made it this far. I understand how to check the plants trichromes, I have a 30x - 100x mircoscope to check. How long can I allow her to stay in flowering?


Active Member
Until shes ready to die. you can't put a time table on life. If you treated her good she will live long. if you mistreated her she will live short. there is no real way to tell.
Most people go by trichrome. so i say stick with that for when you should chop chop