2nd grow help


Active Member
This will be my 2nd grow all new equipment for this one, i have a 36 X 20 X 62 tent with a 2 tube T5 light for vegging and a 150w sunburst hps for flowering and i will be using ocean forest soil. I am curious to how many plants i could grow with this set up also what size pot would be best to start with? I have 3 seeds germinating right now


Well-Known Member
Depends on how long you veg them. If you do it right you cold veg 3 weeks and pack the tent.


Well-Known Member
Hiya irishtoker33, if your Grow Space is 36" Length x 20" Depth x 62" Height..then it's the Depth you short on..IMO(and I could be wrong) I would say 2 x 3 Ladies...simply because when you flip to flowering they gonna stretch a little(well could be up to Double) and Bush out a bit..at least for the first 1-2wks of Flowering..Plus with only 150w Hps you are on a little on the low side (amount of Lumens) and really want to Maximise Light>Plant>Space ratio.. If they Autos then its not so bad(Space wise) Like AimAim says it Depends how long you Veg em too, keep Veg time shorter for Smaller plant, then when you Flip you still gonna have space..


hope all goes well..


Active Member
If 2 or 3 end up female given a small tent how and 150w hps how much bud could i possible expect ? first time using a hps


Well-Known Member
Too many Variables to give you that kinda answer dude..well for me anyways...did Forgot your pot size Question2..Oops! Right for Pots most(NOT ALL, BEFORE ANY1 FLAMES ME) Growers start in a smaller pot-say 1ltr or less then after a couple wks?(DEPENDS ON TOTAL VEG TIME) move into next Pot or Final Pot(AGAIN VEG TIME)
Me I use a 1Ltr or less Pot then its Air-Pots 3Ltr and 10?11Ltr...Stoned!!

Everyone goes their own way...

BY-the-By: My First grow was using a 200w(8000-10000 Lumens) Dual Spectrum Giant CFL = 4 Females outta 9 through to End and pulled 4oz of 4 Ladies...not Great but I was happy!! and you HAVE MORE Lumens than this I think with your Hps=16000Lumens


I could be wrong about all I say


Active Member
originally i planned on a 3-4 week veg time depending how fast and healthy they were growing. any suggestions on a ventilation system i could use for my tent as well? I am not working with a big budget for this either either unfortunately


Active Member
thanks for all the input so far cc2012, my first grow i used a 1ltr pot to start my girls but i also used cfls for the entire grow.


Active Member
so one of my buddies who just had a successful hydroponic grow is trying to convince to go hydroponic instead of soil. the option is still up for me since my seeds are still germinating, any opinions on this? also how much more maintenance is hydroponics?