2nd Grow. Learned a LOT in 2009. Now improving.


Active Member
Couple pics of some white widow from 2009 that I have been munching on the past couple days. I have the 2009 crop in zip-loc's, inside a mason jar with teh jars being stored in a sealed metal case that was used to transport optics (so, yeah, it's REALLY sealed). I don't know if weed "ages", but I swear the shit is getting stronger as I refresh my daily stash from the mason jars.



Active Member
Quick shot of a male....still kind of blurry, will take some more before I kill them off today. I'm going to try and take as detailed as I can and will later post a thread in the n00b forum for others to check out and hopefully learn from.
So, in total, six males. There are two plants that I am fairly certain are females (very, VERY small pistils) but I will keep a close eye on them over the next two days.

I should note, last year, I was looking for the sex of the plants later than I should have into flowering. I am wondering if my inspecting each plant inadvertently pollinated any...but, that was last year.



Active Member
So, I woke up to a dead bulb this a.m.; not actually dead, but it had a hard time firing up. I did manage to get it lit while I ran to the store and picked up a replacement bulb.
Didn't realize the bulbs were only rated for a year. So, now the ladies are cooking under a fresh 95k lumen, 600w HPS bulb. The old bulb is going into storage as a reserve.


Active Member
First flowering nute today. I probably went one more day than I wanted to. Those mamcita's were dry! I fed them 5 gallons of very light flower nutes and followed up with 5 gallons of regular water. I thought about going the other way around; but thought that since the soil was dry, they were going to rush to suck up the water and I did not want to risk nute burn. Figured the runoff would contain some of the nutes. After last year, I am starting them off very light with nutes and working my way up. I got six weeeks to nute 'em, I'm going to take my time and not over-kill.

To-Do's: Another fan to exhaust more hot air. Right now my ceiling fan is keeping the plants moving and keeping the hot air off them. BUT, the room itself is warmer than I would like it. The de-humidfier on it's shelf shoots the cycled air across the top of the grow room and across the room in general; so I am hoping the heat from the lamp will be dissipated some.
The "Door: is off the segregated room to allow for more air for the time being.

The girls are starting to get pungent. If I open the grow room door, it quickly fills the middle floor with the sweet, sweet smell of growing plants. Bout time to get that carbon scrubber as I believe this year they will be stinkin' up the place and I'm fairly certain wifey will not stand for it ;-) (although after I take my brow beating, she'll be smokin' the fruits of my labor with me!)...

Heavy watering today; I'm quite confident I got all the soil. I am upping my watering to every two days based on overall plant weight.
I gotta go back and re-read my last years thread; I'm forgetting a lot this year (damn pot head that I am! ;-) )


Active Member
Couple pics...

The third one is more of a reference post. Standard "let's put a beer can with our plants" and off to the right, my 48" shop light.



Active Member
So, where I live, "spring" has crept well into summer. We have a lot of rainfall and the room I am growing in is damp. The de-humidifier is doing great job. I mean GREAT. my soil is drying out way quicker than I would like. I'm going to give them till morning, and probably give a nice water. de-humid is off overnight; fan is raised to high for the night.

I'm playing with the idea of saran wrap over the top of the pots and surrounding the stalks. But I'm not quite sure I won't cause a problem by doing so. I realize the soil/microbes need to exhale and breathe too...

what to do...what to do....


Active Member
Oh and, this should be fun..I decided to quit smoking; cig's. Anyone have any neat tricks to keep my stoned mind occupied on something OTHER than picking up another smoke???


Active Member
Problem with my grow room design. I had the de-humidifier on a "shelf" in the back corner. The fan I am using does not dissapait the heat well enough. The de-humidfier; I think; was compounding the heat and sucking the plants dry. I have since removed it from its shelf location and positioned it about 8 feet from the grow area pointing the exhaust into the grow (which is pushing cooler air past the lamp) and causing the rising heat to be vented away from the plants.


Active Member
Okay, still, having problems settling this room down environmentally. Wild, wild fluctuations in my region weather wise. Some days, cut the humidity with a butter knife. Today, woke up and had to turn the heat on in the house!!!
The grow room is gettingbetter however. I am noticing the de-humidifier does not have to work the past couple days (well, lets put it this way, it's not on all the damn time). The plants soil today still retained some moisture, but all the plants were droopy. I gave them another nice slow watering (no nutes, just PH balanced) and soaked the rim of their pots as best I possibly could (SLOWLY BTW!) to try and get those roots wrapping themselves in knots.
Overall, the plants look healthy enough nutrient wise; I just need to get this room under grips.
Next year, I will begin de-humidifying a good month in advance of growing so I can create a better "constant" for the girls. I don't think they are harmed at this point, but stressed. Something none of us wants.
Attached some pics from tonight. Please feel free to weigh in on both what you think and your experiences so far this year with your indoor grow. Your pics are most welcome; lets compare notes!

Side note: Did not see anything "spreading" with my mysterious amber dots on a couple plants. Will continue to observe (and report back here...).

Peace all..



Active Member
hey man this looks great. im subscribing.

what are you using for cooling/odor control? pardon if you mentioned it but im just checking out this grow quick until i have more time

as far as quitting smoking, im with ya man....im 2 weeks off smoking (taking champix medication)

hope you're hanging in there. what i always do is get sunflower seeds and eat em like crazy. keeps your hands and mouth occupied, and you never get full!


Well-Known Member
damn im almost 6weeks in from not smoking, and i STILL want a cig soooo bad, my mom came up to visit the other day and she smokes and it about drove me crazy seeing her smoke, I wanted to rip it out her mouth and take the bigges freaking hit ever of that cig and just scream!!! but i didnt.....i just decided to quit one day...havent had one since...you halft to quit mid pack to, like if you have a half pack of cigs left, take them out one by one breaking them as you take them out..so you will be craving a cig but you wont have one to smoke, then smoke a bowl so your to lazy to go to the stor to buy anymore....TA DA!!!!! cancer stick free!!!!!


Active Member
Trichs are starting to show!!!!!!!!! yessssssssss......
The grow room is BEAUTIFUL today! De-humid is set for 70% right now; I'll let that run over night and drop 5% tomorrow. Plant soil moisture is ten times better compared to what it was holding 5-6 days ago...



Active Member
hey man this looks great. im subscribing.

what are you using for cooling/odor control? pardon if you mentioned it but im just checking out this grow quick until i have more time

as far as quitting smoking, im with ya man....im 2 weeks off smoking (taking champix medication)

hope you're hanging in there. what i always do is get sunflower seeds and eat em like crazy. keeps your hands and mouth occupied, and you never get full!
Hiya brother...So I did break down and am smoking (I know, I know...). I am however from a pack a day (easy), to 5-6 an evening; maybe one during the day. I can live with that for the time being.
My grow room is half under ground, so the natural tendency of my brick and mortar to dissapait heat is saving me. I have a fan on the ceiling (mounted up side down) on high and oscillating. Itis pushing the air around pretty good. I am probably going to get a second fan and aim it straight at the light and get that heat expelled as well.
As for odor, candles, air fresheners and careful when I enter that room. They usually get a couple hours a day with the room's door wide open and fresh air can enter. I will probably HAVE to get a carbon scrubber in the next couple weeks as you can see in my pics; I am not that far a long and I they can stink the WHOLE house up pretty quick if I'm not careful. We live secluded, so I don;'t have a neighbor to worry about and the damn census workers are finally leaving me alone!!! Now, if I could only do something about my damn in-laws ;-)
Thanks for subscribing bro..This is where I get jazzzed again about growing..I love vegging and simply hanging out in my grow room. Flowering comes and that gets limited in short order. But, I can squeeze an hour or so in and inspect them, take recent pics, the like...I hope to take tons more pic's this year...


Active Member
damn im almost 6weeks in from not smoking, and i STILL want a cig soooo bad, my mom came up to visit the other day and she smokes and it about drove me crazy seeing her smoke, I wanted to rip it out her mouth and take the bigges freaking hit ever of that cig and just scream!!! but i didnt.....i just decided to quit one day...havent had one since...you halft to quit mid pack to, like if you have a half pack of cigs left, take them out one by one breaking them as you take them out..so you will be craving a cig but you wont have one to smoke, then smoke a bowl so your to lazy to go to the stor to buy anymore....TA DA!!!!! cancer stick free!!!!!
lol....that's a pretty damn good idea actually!


Well-Known Member
Oh and, this should be fun..I decided to quit smoking; cig's. Anyone have any neat tricks to keep my stoned mind occupied on something OTHER than picking up another smoke???
Yes every time you want a cig just smoke a bowl. I dont know bro I smoked for 4 years about a pack every 2 days and I quite with no trobles and smoke maybe 3 cigs a month if that depends if I get drunk.