2nd grow need help.


Well-Known Member
When I make a run with the black magic 555 all purpose I just shoes Dr. earths flower girls butts in bloom mix all that with a whole bag of eartworm castings and perlite. When my beans pop out I’ll show u updates as well on mine. I use a sf 4000 now and I love it.
Man not sure what is going on.day 9 of flower. I tried the trellis i tucked branches until I noticed it starting to flower so I stopped. Never used one before not sure if I did it right. The one plant looks alright but the same trouble one is looking like crap. They both get the same treatment. I’ve been watering with feed every 3-4 days about and gallon and a half at 600 ppm. I water until maybe 5 %run off but the runoff ppm was over 2000. Idk if that’s accurate doing it that way but that seems way to high?



Well-Known Member
When is probably taking in more water than the other give the other one about a quarter tank of water you give it a good one and see if that helps. I think it gonna be a good run and good luck


Well-Known Member
I did at first but had slowed it down because I thought I was over watering, it’s strange. My ph run off was good. I was doing a light feeding of 600 ppm but my run off at one point was over 2000 so I’m not going to feed this next watering. Thanks for the reply
If I was to check runoff in my organic mix it would come out like 3000ppm or more. I only check runoff ppm in Coco to get a gauge on whether the plant is feeding. In peat based organic fed mediums I try not to water to runoff or check runoff ppm as it will leech available nutrients.

I've also found that a constant level of moisture in these mediums goes better than a feed every few days.
Beginning of week 5 in flower looking decent so far. The plant that was giving me issues seems to be the better looking one now lol kinda strange tho had no white hairs when flowering but it super dense. The other one is starting to get brown spots on leaves..mag def? The food I use says I should have used it in the beginning flower and stopped week 3. What should I do?

